Chapter 14

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A/N For the sake of my story I am changing her age to 22. If you didn't know at the beginning of the story she had just turned 24 in convenience to Joe's age but other guys are in the picture and I want this to work out and not be too weird. Her birthday is going to be soon after Christmas in this book. Also. DON'T worry I will have Joe back in the equation soon!! (;

Emrys POV

I get out of bed but slowly to soak up my vacation. I stretch and accidentally hit a remote on the nightstand. I get worried and hear electric sounds and see light coming in the room out of the corner of my eye. I look behind me and my eyes open wide. "Wow!" I whisper. I jump out of bed and push my hands against the glass lightly. The curtains were almost done opening on their own and I see the most beautiful view of Los Angeles California. I walk away from the window and go to my phone. I notice a lot of notifications. I begin to feel overwhelmed and anxious as I scroll through all of the texts. 

Jamie| Hey!

Jamie| Hey Emry do you want to facetime now?

Jamie| You there?

Jamie| Text me when you get a chance! :)

Jamie| Em, you are starting to worry me.

Jamie| Emry, I am scared.

Jamie| I think there is someone in the house.

Jamie| Em please come back home. I am scared.

Jamie| Please! I need you!

Jamie| There is someone here! Help, please!

    When I see all of Jamie's texts I begin to feel lightheaded. My heart starts to beat faster than ever. I could never be more nervous and scared. This time I can't help so I have to think of someone who can and will. I dial Joe's number, but when it rings for the third time I start balling my eyes out. I drop to my knees and throw my phone. I was all alone and in the middle of somewhere, I didn't know. I have only been to LA once or twice before with friends. And know I am having a full blown panic attack with the thought that my friend might be dead. My crying becomes louder as I think that she is dead. Faintly I hear the beautiful sound of my phone ringing. I don't lift my head but feel the floor around me to grab my phone. I bring the screen to my eyes to read who it was but the crying blurred my vision. So I just answered the call. I put the pone to my ear slowly and try to listen. I squint my eyes because my ears are ringing. It hurt my head deathly. "Hello?" I ask. I haven't got a sense if I was loud enough or two quiet. "Hi Emry, this is Kian Lawley." He says quietly I think. "Hey," I keep what I say short and simple not wanting to give away what was happening. The sound of a familiar voice was calming. "Hey, so I don't know how long you are staying here for but I want to know if you want to come over tonight? There are going to be a few guys over here later but nothing huge." He says. I was beginning to calm myself down. I collect my thoughts and finally answer him. "I would love to." I say. "Okay, do you want me to pick you up?" He asks. "Yea sure, but maybe in about twenty minutes. I have to get dressed." I say. "Okay, I'll come get you at around 11:35." He says. "Okay, bye" I smile. "Bye," He says. We both hang up and I set my phone down. I take a deep breath and hold back my smile. I skip to my suitcase and unzip it. I take out almost all of my clothes. I set it all out on the ground in front of me. I didn't want to look too fancy but I wanted to look presentable. I pick out black skinny jeans with rips in it and roll it at the ankle and my all-white hoodie. I put on my shoes and straighten my hair and leave it down. (Shoes at top; because I don't know how to explain them.xx) I lie on the bed and get on my phone and mess around on it. I check the time 11:22. I turn my phone off and get off the bed I grab my bag and shove earphones, a charger, my phone and other stuff in it. Since I still had time I decided to do some really light makeup. I go to the bathroom to my makeup bag and begin doing it. I use the Rimmel lasting profection concealer and just brush my brows as they have just been tinted. I use the Makeup Revolution Flawless 2 Ultra 32 Eyeshadow Palette for my eyes and use the Maybelline Lash Sensational for my eyelashes. To finish it off I put Colour pop Auto correct liquid lipstick on my lips. I leave the bathroom and look out the window. I don't see any cars yet but I grab a scrunchie and turn off all the lights in the hotel room. I leave the room and walk down the hallway to the elevator. I pressed the button to the elevator and I walk in there was nobody in it and that made me happy. I felt really homesick already after only being here for a few days. Maybe if I stayed with someone at their place I wouldn't feel as bad. But I didn't want to intrude so I might just leave early. I get out of the elevator I wait by the front doors in a chair. I look at my phone and get on Snapchat. I post a silly selfie and a cute one. I get a text from Kian saying he is outside. I look out the window and see a car. I stand up and walk outside to the car. He has windows rolled down and reaches over to the door handle and opens it for me from the inside. "Thank you," I smile. I get in and close the door and buckle. "No problem, So how has LA been to you?" He asks. "Good, except I haven't really seen much. I have been at my hotel and I hung out with David and Liza yesterday but we weren't driving around." I say. "Well, I can show you some stuff. If that's okay with you, cause Jc isn't home and won't be till like 7." He says. "That sounds good." I smile. He smiles back and starts driving. He brings to places that I have never even heard of and some I have. He brings me to his favorite beach and it is called the Dockweiler beach. We hang out there for a while and he brings me to In-N-Out Burger. It was my first time going to one and I loved it. Kian brings us back to the apartment. Jc isn't here yet so we just chill and talk. He shows me the whole house and we just sit on the couch he turns into me as I look at my phone. "Who are you living with right now?" He asks. I can't fully hear him as I do not have my full attention him. I look at him and turn off my phone. I set it by my side and turn my head a little bit. "Sorry, what'd you say?" I ask to reassure. He chuckles "I just asked who you is your roommate?". I feel my face go a little red but I manage it to go down. "Oh, Her name is Jamie. She never films with me which is why you probably don't know of her." I smile. "Yea," He says. He gets red and continues "I'm sorry but your accent is so beautiful. I can't help but tell you." He finishes. He looks embarrassed but I think it so cute when a guy can tell the girl what he likes. I have a huge grin on my face. "Well, your accent is gorgeous." I compliment him. "No way my voice is flat and weird." He looks at me. I shake my head still smiling. By now I had totally forgotten about Jamie. And then I go in for the kill.

I kissed Kian Lawley.

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