Chapter XX

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Red hot anger flared through Apollyon's system as he slammed the door shut. His vision flashed red as he wanted to hurt someone, and hurt them bad. He hurtled the bouquet across the room, allowing it to dismember the wrapping against the far wall as he yelled out in anger, clutching at his hair.

How could he have been so stupid and blinded to think that she felt the same way for him like he felt for her? She simply kissed him back because she had gotten lost in the moment, she didn't feel the same way that he did for her. Eleanora didn't love him, not like he loved her, and it hurt to know that she would rather choose Elliot over him.

The anger grew unbearable as he knew he had to get it out of his system. He needed to do something otherwise he was going to explode with the imploding rage inside him. Stalking out the apartment he ran down the stairs and into the chilly December evening. He welcomed the cold air against his skin as he ran down the sidewalk.

He ran as far as he could, pushing himself further than he had ever done before. Slowly he came to a stop as he still felt the urge to hit someone. Apollyon knew that it was wrong, but he didn't care, he just needed to vent his anger out. So he looked down ally-ways, searching for people he could pick a fight with. He found the perfect group just around the corner. It was a group of 3 guys, seemingly between the ages of 18-19, and they all seemed slightly edgy.

Apollyon walked over to them and provoked them by saying 'does your mother know that you're here.'

One of them simply growled for him to back off, but he didn't. It didn't take long for one of the guys to try and punch him, but Apollyon simply grabbed hold of his wrist and slammed his fist into his face. He was seriously outnumbered. Apollyon released all his anger on the three guys, punching, kicking, and defending himself, but in the end, he was one getting beat up.

Two of the guys restrained him as one of them kept punching him. Apollyon did not give them the pleasure of hearing him scream or begging them to stop, instead, in a very sardonic manner, he relished in pain, a final relief against the burning rage inside him.

The guys finally released him, allowing him to crumple to the ground as he spit out a mouth full of blood. Just before leaving, one of the guys kicked hi in the stomach, causing him to gasp for breath as he collapsed on the cold gravel floor. He lay there motionlessly for a moment as he felt the anger drain out of him. Apollyon felt like he needed the beating.

He closed his eyes for the briefest moments, but when he opened them again, the sunlit sky was turning a dark shade of purple and pink. Inhaling a sharp breath, he struggled to sit up as all his muscles ached and seized to work, his movements jerky. Once on his feet, he gasped for breath as it hurt his side.

Wincing, he placed one foot in front of the other as he started to make his slow way back to the apartment complex. Just as his luck would have it, the temperature continued to drop and it started to snow, on top of his injuries, he had left his jacket back at the apartment, having ripped it off himself in anger and thrown it at the floor in blinded rage.

It hurt to know that even after all that they have been through, she went for Elliot. He doesn't even know that she is dying! Elliot has no idea what it felt like to have Eleanora seize in your arms, no idea how it felt to know that she will not get the surgery done. Elliot has no idea how hard it is to smile at her and go on with normal day to day life when all he wants to do is break down and hold her tight to him. Elliot does not know how it feels to be responsible for her cause of death.

The air around him seemed to become colder and he was shivering uncontrollably by the time he got back to the apartment. He shivered against the door as he tried to warm his hands, the blood having dried on his knuckles as he felt light headed. Pushing himself off the door, he made his way up the four flight of stairs.

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