Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Only a week is needed before I can make my escape

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Only a week is needed before I can make my escape. Three pounds heavier and a craving for Blake's cooking, I leave the hospital and don't look back. I might miss the chats I had with the morning nurse about funny pregnancy stories, but I won't miss staring at the blue themed hospital walls.

Our ride home in Blake's car is refreshing. A sense of familiarity mixed with a dash of freedom. I take a moment to enjoy the passing view of the neighbourhood, sucking in details that make me feel at home.

The warm glow of the sun heats the side of my cheek. Closing my eyes, I lean against the car window and take a deep breath. It's nice to be out of the hospital and in the free world. Blake's hand rests on my inner thigh while the radio softly plays in the background.

When we arrive at home, Blake parks in the driveway and I get out the car. He grabs our bags from the back seat and we walk down the side of the house and towards ours. Blake presses his hand against my back, hesitant to move too far from my side.

"You know, I can walk by myself," I tease.

"I know." I glance up to see his pain stricken face. Probably too soon to joke. Blake won't tell me much of what happened when I was in hospital. His quiet and calculating words makes me nervous, I need to know what happened.

He said we'd discuss things when I'm better and out of hospital. I don't think he wanted to worry me while I was in the recovery process. Now that I'm out, I'm not so fragile. I don't want him to think he's walking on glass when I'm around.

Accidents happen, falling down the stairs included. Nobody could have guessed I'd have fallen. It sucks that something so tragic happened, but I'm willing to put it past. Spending a week in hospital talking to the nurses and other patients have really helped me overcome the combination of fear and embarrassment.

Blake moves ahead to open the door, I step inside and walk down the hallway. When I don't feel his presence behind me, I peer back and see Blake placing the baggage on the ground near the doorway.

Taking a deep breath, I step into the room and glance at the steps.

I'd expected to feel something, worry maybe? Scared, hatred, or even uneasiness. These were the stairs I'd fallen down and almost lost our baby. Yet, as they stared back, I didn't feel anything. Maybe I really do believe the stuff that filters through my mind.

You can't hate a pair of stairs if you can't even use them in the first place . . . I half expect Blake to tell me we're sleeping in the guest bedroom to avoid using the stairs from now on. Even if it hasn't happened, there's still time!

If anything, Blake's more worried about me walking down stairs than I am. Funny, considering I'm the one that tumbled down like a tumbleweed.

There's a slight cough that captures my attention. Angela's sitting on the couch, a cup of coffee clasped in one hand resting on her bent knee.

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