1. Farewell

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"-I have to. Sansa is still my sister and she needs my help." - He said with his typical hoarse voice while caressing my left cheek and looking deeply into my eyes.

"-But I need you and you...you may never even come back." - I sounded just as desperate as I felt.

Just the idea of never seeing him again was one of my worst nightmares. Since Jon and I met at The Wall we never got separated ever again. His men tried to kill him but with an unexpected help from Drogon we were able to escape South. As the time passed we fell more and more in love with each other and not even with the discovery of our parentage broke us apart.

"-It's a long and an uncertain journey yes." - He simply said.

Jon didn't want to face the truth. The truth was that only the journey itself will take months and then he will have to find Sansa and unite enough men to be able to fight the Bolton's army. That is a conquest that can take years and even then... He may never want to come back. He is still a Stark and he grew up in Winterfell. He truly loves me, I know it in my heart, but Jon never was truly comfortable in the South as he was in the North, even if he wants to, for me.

"-When will we even see each other again?" - I felt my heart shrink and I could see the deep sadness in his eyes. At that moment he didn't have to say anything because I knew the answer, it was all over his face. Maybe never.

I felt tears running through my face but I cleaned my tears as quickly as they fell making myself more and more distant from him.

"-Are you sure these... Are the sources real? She is really alive?"

"-Yes, Aldith. And Boltons have Winterfell. Ramsay will go after her and I have to at least try to save her and who knows reclaim Winterfell in the name of my dead family... Rob, Ned, who knows Arya?"

I could see deep darkness in his eyes, sadness.

I was being selfish. He was right to go North and do all those brave things that are so typical of the Jon that I always knew but at the same time, I didn't want him to leave... Hear the news about his death later.

"-I'm sorry for being selfish. You should go." - He forced a smile and came close to me once again. I could feel some tears wanting to come out but I fought it.

"-I will miss you more than you even know." - He said and I also saw an unusual brightness in his eyes. He was about to cry as well.

And then one slipped down my cheek.

"-Trust me, I know." - I said with a weak voice.

We just stood there for a while. No kissing, no hugging, just looking at each other. I wanted to never forget his face and eyes, lips, hair... I wanted to remember him just as he stood there, with that serious expression he always shows and so much darkness in his eyes that sometimes I felt like I could get lost in them. 

-- --- --- ---- ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------

"-Tyrion... What are we going to do?" - I ask and look at Missandei that seems just as scared as I feel. Tyrion just looks frozen in shock at the huge hole in the wall recently made by the attacks of the masters.

Only a few seconds later a new thing hits the pyramid from above but this time it sounds different as if something heavy landing. Landing...

"-Danny... "- I whisper and notice that Missandei was thinking the same with a hopeful smile.

The soldiers in the room bow and only a few seconds later she comes inside looking as fierce as ever and looks towards us with a very serious and impatient expression

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The soldiers in the room bow and only a few seconds later she comes inside looking as fierce as ever and looks towards us with a very serious and impatient expression. We have a lot to explain, especially Tyrion.

Game of Thrones: Rise of House Targaryen (Jon Snow Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now