4. Winter is Coming

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"-This is Cersei Lannister and she is here to pay the price for her lies!" - Daenerys is speaking loudly so everyone in the streets can hear her.

Thousands of people showed and I do not know if it is for the execution itself or because people aren't aware of what happened yet. After seeing their city burn and dragons flying through the city they must have heard about Daenerys arrival.

"-My father was killed and betrayed by the Lannisters and Cersei Lannister along with Robert Baratheon took what was not theirs!" - I could see how people looked actually scared and mistrustful.

Her father is not the best example of a good ruler. He was a madman, planned to burn the whole city to the ground with wildfire if needed and killed innocent men such as Rickard and Brandon Stark which was the main reason for the Rebellion to happen in the first place causing Targaryens to lose the throne. Reminding the people of him was not a good choice.

"-Now I'm here to take what is rightfully mine along with my niece Aldith Targaryen." - She looked at me and smiled for a second.

I have to say something. I can see how people look uncomfortable with the situation and not happy at all.

"-We know that earning your trust will not be easy, not after what happened during the rule of Aerys Targaryen but we will earn it." - I finally find the courage to speak out loud and look directly at the people. " - These past rulers of yours created millions in depth when in the past the Crown was full of resources. "

Tyrion talked about it today so I decided to use it. Instead of reminding the people of the bad Targaryen rulers of the past it's more important to remind them of the mistakes of the others.

"-Daenerys freed men and cities across the Narrow Sea. She brought them the peace and prosperity that they needed and we stand here to do the same in Westeros." - I can see people slowly becoming more comfortable with the situation.

"-But to do so a new beginning is needed." - Daenerys starts to talk again and stares at Cersei Lannister bowed and humiliated in front of her people. I can still see anger and a certain madness in Cersei's eyes which tells me that she does not regret a thing and her state is certainly not the best one to rule.

Daenerys does a small gesture with her head towards the butcher and so he grabs his very large sword and with one precise strike her head rolls to the ground and I can't look while it happens. Most people cheer which reveals that they may not trust Daenerys yet but their love for their former queen is inexistent.

The next days are calm.

People are accepting the fact of having another Targaryen as their ruler, especially after seeing how our promises are becoming true as the Realm starts to show signals of prosperity and more security not only for the powerful but also for the common people.

During Daenerys coronation, thousands of Lords not only from Westeros but also from across the Narrow sea showed to see for themselves this new Targaryen queen, the only living daughter of the Mad King that many still don't trust because of who she is, who her father was. Some whisper of how she might become just as mad as her father one day and maybe do what he couldn't: burn the entire city.

Tyrion became the Hand of the Queen as she already had promised him and it was indeed a great choice. He is very good at diplomacy.

And I... I just exist. I am in the Small Council but the truth is that I am not experienced at all in these matters and so most of the time I have nothing to say and my mind is simply elsewhere, like today.

"-Jon is in power now maybe we can..."

"-Jon?" - His name makes me come back to the reality and everyone stares at me. Missandei, Grey Worm, Tyrion, Lord Varys, the new Maester and even Daenerys. All the members of the Small Council.

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