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All I can smell is the same salty water that has been carrying us around this last several weeks. That and the vomit of some soldiers since some of them clearly aren't used to such travels and neither am I.

The last time that I traveled throw this sea was with Jon when we followed the few clues that we had about the location of Daenerys, the only family that I knew that I had back then. He had yet to find out about his true parentage, son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen, also my father.

Jon... The peace that I had in my expression suddenly disappears. I miss him so much that it makes my chest hurt. His eyes, his voice, his touch... Every single thing.

"-I see that your mind is elsewhere." - Daenerys's voice awakes me from my thoughts.

"-I thought you were resting." - I admit trying to avoid my own memories.

"-I was but I didn't see you and so I decided to come and talk to you first. We haven't talked a lot lately."

And it is true, we haven't. When Daenerys arrived a lot happened at the same time. Fighting the masters, gaining the boats needed to make this conquest a successful one... And even while traveling and after a short stop at Dragon Stone, our ancestors home, a lot was still being discussed how to reclaim King's Landing and from there where and how to move. I'm not experienced with battles and also my mind has been elsewhere so I just took a step back from those matters.

"-Yes... I'm sorry for not being very useful." - I simply say looking towards her and then at the calm sea once again. I see in her eyes that empathy that I see in everyone's expression lately when I pass by and for some reason I can't stand it.

When I was only a child people looked towards me and my mother the same way. The poor child that didn't have a father and the poor woman that had to raise a little girl on her own, with no husband. Now I'm facing the same thing but because Jon left.

The truth is I will always be a bastard, it doesn't matter if Daenerys changes my name when she gets to the Iron Throne or not. I will always be a bastard to their eyes.

In my memories, my father will always be the one absent, the one that only appeared on my name day or simply when he had some spare time and remembered to do so.

"-Are you like this because of Jon?" - She asks carefully and with a soft voice.

"-I'm sure Tyrion as already updated you on that matter." - I also answer carefully.

"-He has." - She admits. "- But I wanted to hear it from you. It must have been hard letting him go."

"-Wasn't it hard for you to leave Daario"? - I ask and I only hear silence from her.

When I look at her I don't see what I expected, a sad and regretful expression. I only see a cold and indifferent but also worried expression.

"-You didn't?" -  I ask but she doesn't have to say anything for me to know the answer. - "Well, then you didn't love him as much as you thought you did. Maybe you will find love  in Westeros."

I force a smile towards her while she looks at me confused but also forcing a smile.

"-Don't you think that this proves how maybe one day I may become..." - Her smile fades. "- Like my father?"

"-That doesn't prove anything. The heart is a complicated matter to work out and sometimes when we have to make hard decisions is when we really start to understand what we really feel. I always loved Jon, I never had a doubt, but it was during the hard moments that I really realized how much I really did. "- I admit.

"-I thought that I did love him but... When I had to tell him that he had to stay I really just.... didn't feel anything. I only wanted to get done with it. "

"-That doesn't mean you're mad." - I simply say with a loving voice and force a smile towards her. "-How long until we arrive at King's Landing?" - I say changing the subject, something that both of us need.

"-Only a couple of days." - She says looking towards the Narrow Sea. "- I'll need you Aldith." - She adds a few moments later and looks towards me once again.

"-What do you mean?"

"- We've decided that the best we can do before marching full force in the city is to distract some of the soldiers. I'll go with Drogon and I know Rhaegal and Viserion would follow me if needed but if you ride Rhaegal and attack from the other side of the city it would be much easier. "- She explained with hope in her eyes.

Battle and killing were never things that I liked doing and having to face now the idea of having to do both and risking Rhaegal's life is even worse.

I still remember the first time I saw Rhaegal. I felt incredibly scared but at the same time amazed by that mythical and mysterious creature that I've already seen in my dreams before while I was on The Wall. There is something about him that reminds me of my father, Rhaegar Targaryen, and that's why I've been so protective of him ever since that first moment. He is the one thing that I have left of him, that somehow reminds me of who I am and who he was.

"-This will work." - She assures me noticing the uncertainty in my expression.

"-I know that it will but... At what cost? How many will die? What if they die?"

I don't have to say anything else for her to understand what I mean by that and suddenly for a second I see the fear in her eyes but it disappears as fast as it appeared.

"-It will work." - She says once again but I'm not certain if it is to me or to herself.

She loves her dragons and I love them as well and so for us having to face the fact that they may die is just as painful, or even more, then when we think about losing men in battle.

"-I know it will." - She repeats one last time. "-Our ancestors were conquerors. While we were in Dragon Stone it was like I could still feel their spirits in there and they filled me with courage. I was born to be on the Iron Throne and to rule the Seven Kingdoms and I will do it with you by my side."

She looked deeply into my eyes and I was out of words.

Game of Thrones: Rise of House Targaryen (Jon Snow Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now