15. Final Decision

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"- What are you thinking Aldith? You can at least tell to the people in this room! You trust us don't you?" - Tyrion says again and I look away from the little Daenerys playing next to me to the people around us.

Jon remains by my side as if Daenerys and I are going to need protection at any minute. In front of us was Tyrion who came from King's Landing by my orders along with Missandei and Grey Worm. On the other hand, Sansa was right between our positions but closer to Jon and I.

"- I do trust you all very deeply." - I say and for a moment I see hope in Tyrion's smile but then I continue my idea. "- But if one you disagrees you are going to try to stop me and that cannot happen. Not when the Lords of all the Houses in Westeros are already in the room right next to us."

After our Queen died I decided to call right away all the Lords in Westeros and since by blood Jon and I are the next ones in the succession line, and the only ones really, they came. Jon never once asked me what was my idea. He knew that if I wanted to I would say to him and so he didn't insist that much.

"- You could have called us first! Sent us a letter to ask our opinion... Anything." - Tyrion was desperate for answers but soon we will know.

"- Can you call them all inside please?" - I ask Grey Worm and he silently agreed to leave the room.

I took Daenerys from the top of the table to my lap. Jon sat next to me by my right and Sansa to my left. The others had smaller chairs to sit as well in front of the large table and so they did as some Lords started to come in.

Once they went all inside Grey Worm closed the door and sits next to Missandei.

"- As you are all aware our Queen as died in the war fighting for all of us." - I start trying to sound as clear and as confident as possible even though I have so many eyes on me. "- Jon and I are the next ones in line to the throne and so I made a decision that no one knows yet but I want it to be revealed here and now for everyone to hear. Please hear everything before saying anything."

I took a brief look at Jon that simply took my hand on his under the table bringing me more comfort. I continue.

"- A battle was fought bravely and many lives were lost along with our Queen's. Many white walkers were killed, most of them, but not all."

Whispers started between some of them.

"- We weren't aware of such a thing your Grace. If they are not all dead maybe they should have stayed there and ended this!" - Euron Greyjoy said loudly.

"- They could barely stand by then! Are you aware of how many months they were out there in the cold, starving and fighting dead monsters while you stayed in your warm castle? Most of them are finished anyway and this way at least some of them came back! It was a wise decision." - Lady Lyanna Mormont spoke and gives me a nod at the end.

"- Thank you lady Mormont." - I smile a little towards the bravest little girl. "- Like I was saying, the war is not over and Jon is the best one here knowing anything about their army that could be very useful. Me ruling in the South at this moment makes no sense, the war doesn't affect the South first but the North."

"-Our King can stay here and fight while you rule in the South. For thousands of years, Kings fought while their Queens stayed in their castles so I don't see the problem, your Grace." - That smooth voice said and I look towards Littlefinger as always in a corner of the room with his face hiding in the shadows.

"-Don't you think that I already know that my Lord? My husband was the one fighting out there for all of us while I stood here, alone, with no news about what was happening!" - I said looking angrier than what I should. I take a deep breath before talking again.

"- What I am saying is that the soldiers, our best soldiers, will be divided between protecting me in the South and our baby and Jon in the North. What if we can have all of our soldiers in the same place? It will safer and more efficient in the battles still to come." - I explain, now talking towards everyone in the room.

"-With all due respect... What are you suggesting your Grace?" - Lord Baelish spoke again.

"-The power of Westeros was already centered in the North centuries ago, it can be again."

Whispers float in the room and I look towards Jon anxious. He doesn't seem to think it was a foolish idea, he seems just surprised by the thought of such a thing.

"-Like you said it yourself... Centuries ago your Grace. King's Landing has been our capital and it is easier to trade with other continents in the East from there..."

"-With all due respect Lord Baelish." - I interrupt him with a higher voice. "- It may be easier to trade but who will want to trade when everyone is dead in Westeros? There will be no one."

"-That is a bit radical isn't it? Our army has been fighting them for months, most of them are dead from what your Majesty said."

"-Their numbers raised incredibly from nowhere. Most people in this room didn't even believe they existed until they crossed the wall by the thousands and with only a few things that can kill them. Winter is still here. We had a long summer so this winter will be even longer and until it is here we can't risk that they expand their numbers anymore."

By then everyone in the room was focused on the discussion between Littlefinger and I. My heart was racing faster with anger from that man. He doesn't care if everyone dies as long as he has the things exactly like and where he wants in order to make the moves that he needs to do to achieve power.

"-It is a wise decision. King's Landing is too far south. By the time they army gets there most of our Houses will be gone then so if our armies stay strong here, in Winterfell and on The Wall helping the Night's Watch it will be easier to fight them and protect our houses. They might not even get there at all. I like those odds." - Lady Olenna Tyrell spoke.

At least someone agrees which means Littlefinger is not getting to everyone's minds.

"-Besides we have the King's Road to carry trades north if needed. We can protect it a little bit more to avoid assaults and it will be a safe solution to everyone involved." - Tyrion Lannister offered a solution making me smile a little.

"-This is our solution for you all." - Jon finally spoke looking towards me first and then at the Lords and Ladies in front of us. "- As your King and Queen."

I can see that most of them seem to agree with the idea and with that Littlefinger spoke no more. He lost.

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Jon kisses me while the snow falls from the sky. My heart still beats faster everytime our lips touch, how I love him... He slowly pulls away but looks at me in the eye with that look so typical and dark that I feel that I can get lost in those eyes that ' have missed so deeply these months.

"-You really are a Queen." - He whispered smiling.

"-Because I offered a solution to our problems my King?" - I say teasing and he laughs a little caressing my cold left cheek.

"-Not just that. The way you stood for what you believe in and made everyone believe that it was the right thing to do... You didn't just order them as you could have done as a Queen, you made them see and believe in what you wanted."

"-Are you proud of me?" - I also whisper.

"-Very much." - He kisses me once again and a shadow appears.

We both look towards the sky and see Viserion and Rhaegal flying in the sky.

"-We should go back to Daenerys." - I say and he smiles making me stay closer to him with his hands on my waist kissing me again.

This is not an easy world. The pain that I already felt, the loss... But somehow everything is worth it because of these brief but happy and loving moments that I have with him, with our baby. Things happen for a reason and I just want to believe that no matter what happens everything will be ok by the end of it.

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