3. Power

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Rhaegal's fire burns thousands of men while the ships dock with their path almost completely clear since the soldiers are so focused on the gigantic mystical beasts flying throw the city.

I can hear them scream of pain and despair and I try my best not to focus too much on them. This is the first time that I'm killing people and so many in so little time and for what? Nothing but power, control.

Minutes are long, so long. The screams don't stop and some soldiers try to hit Rhaegal making him even more furious and dedicated to the task of killing them all.

I don't know how much time passed. Between the screaming, the fire and the horror in some common people's faces that try to watch everything but from far... Suddenly I can see our men entering the Palace.

Before I can even react more men attack and hit Rhaegal in one of his wings making him lose his balance and fall. I can feel how he tries so hard to keep his balance to at least protect me during the fall. Once we hit the ground the truth is that I don't care about the men that were surrounding us at first, I only care about Rhaegal's safety.

"-Rhaegal..." - I whisper and he screams. He is alive but I can see and hear how hurt he is and once I come to that conclusion I feel as if I had a fire burning inside of me along with the anger.

I look at the men that were surrounding us again and suddenly and I don't see just enemy soldiers, I see much more than that. I see the men that hurt Rhaegal and that are threatening his life. All I can think about as this fire burns even more inside of me is how I will enjoy making them suffer as they are making Rhaegal.

In a quick motion I grab my bow and arrow and hit several times three of them trying to open a way out of this full circle around us and when I can I quickly run throw the space making them pay more attention to me and less to Rhaegal hurt on the ground. As I reach some distance from them I then turn around and hit them as they come close but more and more come and I realize that I can't hit them all. I look at Rhaegal and he is still hurt but he is looking towards me as if asking for permission to help and so I accept it.

"-Dracarys." - I say as I quickly try to cover myself and Rhaegal breaths out fire towards them burning them all.

When he finishes it I go out again and look at them all burning alive now and screaming in indescribable pain. For a moment I think about shooting them and end their misery but then I look at Rhaegal still hurt and in pain on the ground and that idea just fades away. I go towards Rhaegal and I can feel tears in my eyes as I got closer to him. I take the stake out of his wing and he screams louder than ever, even towards me, but then he stops and lays on the ground again in pure silence.

"-I'm so so sorry." - I say in a pathetic whisper to him and lay with him on the ground.

From far away I can still hear men fighting and screams but all I want is just to stay here with him and try to protect him while in fact, he is always the one to protect me. I let his slow heartbeats calming my own.
I don't know how much time passed but when I see Daenerys coming from afar with Grey Worm and some other soldiers by her side I notice that the men that were burning and screaming are now silent and dead on the ground all around us. I can smell their burned skin but for some reason, it doesn't bother me and I look towards Rhaegal once again. He is still wounded but calmer now and he is also watching them come towards us. His large and hurt wing is partially covering me in a protective position and I can't help but to smile and remember my father Rhaegar. I have the feeling that Rhaegal is protecting me in a way that my father would if he was still alive. It is as if his spirit is protecting me throw Rhaegal.

"-I'm so relieved that you are both safe." - Daenerys says when she is in front of us and watching us carefully.

She doesn't have to say anything for me to know that we were successful otherwise she wouldn't be standing here so calmly. So, without any worries, we went back to the castle and once she indicates which would be my chambers I just go towards there without saying anything.

While I take a very long and very hot bath I can't help but remember that something has changed in me during that battle. That fire that I felt inside me made me fierce but also cruel. I felt nothing while they screamed and burned, I felt nothing when I saw and smelled their bodies after... I had the chance to ease their pain and I did nothing, I actually wanted to see them suffer.

"-I didn't have the chance to thank you, for what you have done. Your help on the battlefield was crucial." - Daenerys tells me later in the night of that same day when she visits my chambers.

"-I was not worried about me but about Rhaegal. After he was hit that last time... "

"-He will recover, I'll make sure of it." - She assures me and I force a smile feeling some comfort knowing that he will recover.

"-I'm glad to help you in any way possible but... I don't wanna do that ever again." - I admit with a much more cold tone and she looks towards me confused but also curious.

"-I understand but you will never have to do that again." - I can also hear some confusion in her voice.

"-Once they hurt Rhaegal that last time I just... I felt this fire burning inside me and all I wanted to do was to kill them all, make them suffer." - I admit and look towards her. I see nothing but comprehension in her eyes.

"-You are a Targaryen and you have dragon's blood running through your veins. They hurt Rhaegal, it's normal to be more and angry for that Aldith." - I only nod and she grabs my hands between hers. "- Besides... We Targaryens have some temper. I know I have."

She smiles a little but I cannot do the same. I may be a Targaryen but I am not a cold-blooded murder and I have never enjoyed seeing others suffer. I wasn't myself at that moment and I don't want to see that side of me ever again.

When I went to sleep that night another memory brightened my dreams.


"-I asked today mother what she thought about dragons and she said they were evil... Are they mean?" - The little girl asked her father and she saw some darkness in his eyes.

"-They no longer exist, the last one died hundreds of years ago, my love." - He answered with a soft and kind voice as always and a smile but the girl could tell that that wasn't an honest smile. "-And what do you think?"

It was a beautiful day outside and as always the little one was enjoying the beautiful and bright sun in the sky while playing with some wildflowers in the forest at the back of her house. She used to go there often with mother but for some reason, it felt even more special when she was with her father. Maybe it was because he was a very busy man which made everytime that they were together even more special and precious.

"-I think that they looked scary..." - She admitted. "- But they can breath fire and fly!" - The girl stood up and ran with outstretched arms as if it that would make her fly and Rhaegal laughed.

She didn't hear him laugh a lot, most of the times he simply smiled but his laugh... His laugh was so soft and gentle that would make singing birds be jealous of how beautiful he sounded. She always thought that her father was the prettiest and most unique man that she had ever seen with his violet eyes and long silver hair but every time he laughed or smiled he would become even more handsome. One day, the girl usually thought, she would like to marry a man just as handsome and sweet as he is.

"-So you like them?" - He asked still smiling and she ran towards him again.

"-I do. They may not be the prettiest but... I'd like to meet one." - He hugged her and kissed her hair gently.

"-Nothing is pure Aldith. Pure good or pure evil." - The man said with a soft voice and looked the girl in the eye. "- Everyone has some good and some bad things about them."

"-Even you?" - The girl asked and suddenly she felt like her father wasn't there anymore as if his mind was elsewhere for a moment.

"-Even me." - That usual sad smile returned and he kissed her forehead gently.

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