5. You belong here

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The North is cold, really cold. I can already see signs of snow especially in the heights where the cold is even worse.

It's not as bad as I remember in the Wall but close and since I'm traveling in Rhaegal's back, the cold wind makes everything seem colder. The only thing that keeps me warm is when we have to stop and I lit a fire and warm myself in it and in Rhaegal's warmth under his wing. Those moments and my very warm furry clothes.

It's much faster traveling like this but definitely much harder, especially now that is already winter in the north and the winds are even colder than usual.

Rhaegal has to leave me sometimes to feed himself. I don't know what he eats or where he eats but I trust his judgment. Besides, he is a wild animal and I can't do anything about it. I have learned to expect it and respect it.

Instead of laying around during those hours I just go to the near village and end up buying me some fresh food and warm myself as well.

After a few days, much faster than a horse, we finally get to Winterfell that is now covered in snow. I decide to let Rhaegal leave and approach the castle all by myself.

The guards see me and look at me from head to toe with intrigued expressions.

"-I'm here to see Lord Snow." - I speak before they say anything and then explain myself. "- I'm Aldith Targaryen."

They quickly look at each other surprised and after they both bow one goes inside.

After a few moments of waiting for Jon himself comes with the guard and I smile towards him. His long hair is now even longer and he still has the same beard and dark hypnotizing eyes that make my heart beat faster every time I see him, including now.

"-Aldith... Come." - He simply says forcing a smile. No hug, no kiss... Nothing.

I begin to think that maybe this wasn't such a good idea but I continue to follow him anyway as he asked. I can see a lot of people moving around in the castle and some I recognized as wildlings that I've met before on the Wall.

When we finally get inside I can feel a very comfortable warmth coming from the Walls. Jon always used to tell me how this happens in the castle of Winterfell contrary to any other House and how useful it is during the winters. Now I can really see and feel what he was saying.

After only a few moments he opens a door and when I come inside I see that this is not a business room whatsoever. These are his personal chambers.

I look towards him confused while he closes the door behind him silently and before I say anything he simply hugs me so tight that I can barely breathe for a few moments but it doesn't bother me and I do the same to him. Even his smell is still the same. I feel tears of joy in my eyes of how happy I am to finally, after all this time, not only see him but feel him like this once again.

He ends the hug after a few moments and looks directly into my eyes with his arms still wrapped around my back.

Something has changed tho. I can feel it now that he is looking towards me like this.

"-What happened?" - I ask and he cleans away one of my tears with a sad expression.

"-I missed you so much." - He says and I can see in his eyes that he is telling the truth but it is not all the truth.

"-Than why didn't you send a letter? I didn't even care about this conquest, all I wanted to know was if you were alive and well. For a time I even began to think that you... died..." - I admit not being able to hide the sadness in my eyes and voice.

"-I..." - He began to talk but suddenly stops when his eyes meet mine. "- A lot happened and honestly I didn't know what to tell you. "

"-I know that it did. And it changed you. "- His expression becomes darker. "- I know you too well to notice that. But you know that you can tell me everything and like I said... Only a letter telling me that you were alive and well would be more than enough for me... For my heart."

He sighs and sits down on his bed looking towards his own hands. He stays like that for a long while and so I sit next to him silently.

"-I... I went North to find the Wildlings." - He began talking looking towards the dark wooden floor. "- And eventually I did but first I found... Men of the Night's Watch."

My all body freezes. After what happened they must have taken him for a traitor, even though they were the real traitors after trying to kill him, their Lord Commander. When we traveled South we never talked about coming back and so the idea of them finding us was far away from our minds.

"-What did they do to you?" - I ask with a very weak and low voice and he looks towards me.

"-They killed me Aldith." - He simply says and I freeze."- All of them. One at a time they stabbed me like they had planned before we left. Even Olly..."

I can see the pain and darkness in his eyes. But how is that possible? He is here now, alive and breathing. I strike his warm and pale face making him look towards me again.

"-How?" - I ask now with some bitterness in my voice.

"-The wildlings found me later and saved my body... The Red Priest was near and so she performed some kind of spell and... Brought me back."

"-She brought you back... from the dead?" - He simply nods in response to my question.

From time to time I saw her when we were at the Wall. She was with Stannis Baratheon and from the start, I noticed that she felt some time of connection with Jon. Later I even found out that she tried to seduce him once.

I took her for some very weird, mysterious and pervert Red Priest but I never even thought that she could have such power.

"-Why you?" - I ask after a few silent moments.

"-She said that her Lord of Light takes me as some Prince that was promised." - He explained.

"-And what do you believe in?" - I ask and he laughs a little.

"-I don't." - He says and looks towards me. "- You know what I saw? Nothing. There is nothing Aldith."

I never had a strong belief in any of the Gods, Old or New or any others that exist. I've always believed though that it had to exist something after death, that this life must continue in some form and it caused some comfort. Now, knowing that there is nothing, is quite worrying.

"-With the help of the Wildlings I slowly came more south and end up finding Sansa. She escaped Ramsey after so much time and we united forces." - He changed the subject but I say nothing about it. "- We were able to convince some Houses to help us and after a long and hard battle we won."

"-I only knew about that victory about a week ago." - I admit and he looks at me again.

"-You traveled fast." - He says with a smile that says to me that he already knows how I got here so soon." - I also heard about your victory in King's Landing. The Lannisters are finally gone."

"-It was not my victory." - I quickly say when I remember some moments in battle. "- And I'm here to tell you mostly that Daenerys will not make you bow to her. That was a sad mistake and I'm sorry for her. "

"-Good... But traveled all this way to tell me that?"

"-I'm not very good at politics, my place is not there with them." - I admit after a few moments of silence.

"-Then where is it?" - I look towards him.

"-I... don't know."

His large hand slowly goes up and strikes my face and then my long dark hair while his eyes never leave mine.

"-I don't want you to leave." - He finally says with a hoarse and low voice making my heart beat faster. "- Your place is here, with me."

Game of Thrones: Rise of House Targaryen (Jon Snow Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now