9. A happy future

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It's cold, very cold. I can feel snow under my body and a freezing wind that makes my all body feel like a hard and very cold stone just resting in the snow.

Slowly I open my eyes. I can see several people fighting, northern people, some I even recognize from Winterfell, Wildlings, servants... Against them, the dead.

I also see a bow and arrow on the ground next to me and I try to grab it but there is something extremely heavy on top of me. I look and I see that my belly is already very large, my baby...

I touch it and I feel his warmth, I can feel my baby move.  I grab the bow and the dragon glass arrow and after what seems like an eternity I can finally get up. For some reason, I feel the need to find Jon, my love.

In slow but steady steps I go on looking for him but I can't find him. For some reason, the dead are watching me but they don't come to me and let me go ahead.

The wind is strong and it's snowing so it is very hard to see a thing. After what a while I can finally see him fighting not that far away from me. He has a very serious expression and his strikes are hard and deadly to our enemies. His valyrian steel sword seems to almost glow so you can see it strike the army of the dead from a great distance.

Suddenly my stomach starts to hurt a lot and so I wrap my arms around it but I feel something warm coming from my legs and I know exactly what it is when it starts to stain my dress, blood.

"-No! "- I scream loudly and in panic. I can't have my baby here on the battlefield, not here and definitely not now.

"-Aldith!" - Jon's voice echoes and I look towards him. He is running towards me and I smile even through the pain but then I see one of them on his back, with his eyes glowing and a sword ready to kill.

"-Stop Jon! On your..." - Jon stops I see a sword coming from his chest. He falls on his knees. "- back..."

"-No! "- I scream again but this time with even more despair.

I am in pain with no one to help me with my baby and Jon is dying in front of me.

"-Aldith!" - Jon awakes me from another of my nightmares and I feel extremely sweaty.

I take deep breaths and lay my head on my pillow once again. My heart is beating extremely fast.

"-Hey... What's wrong? Why so many nightmares?" - Jon's deep and calming voice says while I take one last deep breath.

"-I don't know... I always had nightmares from time to time but..."

"-You are always having bad dreams now." - He completes me and also breathing deeply. "- Is this about the baby? Are you not happy?"

I grab his face and smile towards him.

"-Of course I'm happy. Having a child with you is a dream come true." - I say honestly but then I remember the dream. "- I just... I hate the fact that I won't be able to fight, I will be useless. I have to stay here and do nothing but pray that you and Daenerys come out of this alive."

"-I won't risk your lives for this." - He said referring to me and our child. I feel his hand caressing my cheek and his eyes looking deeply into mine. "- When will she arrive?"

"-Shortly, probably tomorrow."

Daenerys is strong, I have no doubt about it, with Drogon and Viserion by her side nothing can stop her but Jon... He is a very strong fighter but this is the army of the dead. No one knows exactly how many are they, we just know that they have a very large army full of deadly and almost immortal creatures.

Jon touched my belly that is quite large now and I feel our baby move. He feels him as well and smiles making me smile as well. He loves me, I know it, but the way he smiles whenever he feels our baby or sees my large belly is simply indescribable making my heart almost melt with love and happiness.

Usually, our happiness doesn't last for long that is another thing to worry about.

"-Tomorrow we will marry." - He simply said I look towards him speechless. "- I may not survive this war but you both will and with a name. I know what it is growing up a bastard and I don't want that for our child."

"-You will survive." - I insist.

"-I won't take that risk." - He says right away and looks me in the eye. "- Will you do it? For me? I know that you think that this is a distraction from the war but we will leave in two days, we can do this now."

I know how important this is to Jon so I can't refuse. It is indeed the best for our child, we may not live but he will have a name at least.

"-Of course I will. For him and for you I would do anything. "- I say a few seconds later and he smiles.

"-You still think it's a boy?" - The sweetness of his voice makes my heart warmer. I smile.

"-I have a feeling, yes." - I say picturing a little Jon in my arms with the same dark hair and eyes.

"-I still think it's a girl actually." - He says and I laugh a little. He has been saying this for months now but there is no actual way of knowing until birth. "- It would be harder because I would have to protect her from all the boys since she will be just as beautiful as her mother but..."

I laugh again and kiss him slowly, praying in silence that all the beautiful and happy pictures in my mind for our future aren't just a dream.

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