Why Hello There, Mr.Hale

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 (Matt Lanter as Kyle : D )

Chapter 2

I opened the door to my first period History class, feeling a little bit nervous because I hadn’t spoken to either Kyle or Alexandra during the weekends. I felt heads turn my way as I entered the classroom, only a few people had come into the class. “I’m late?” I asked out loud, waiting for someone to answer. However all eyes were glued to the front of the classroom. I shrugged, silently thinking back to how long it took me to get the twins all set for school. Yep, that’s why. My eyes wandered the classroom, stopping at my best friend Alex who seemed to be talking about something...seriously. Who was she talking with? My gorgeous boyfriend. The light from outside made his sapphire blue eyes glint as he looked over at me, giving a quick nudge to Alexandra before smiling at me. That smile made my heart melt.

“Miss Carol? You can take a seat, you know.” A voice called out to me. I turned my head over to the front of the classroom but I missed the teacher’s face as he had already turned around to continue writing notes on the board. I slid into a seat next to Alexandra who nudged me excitedly. “Isn’t he hot?” she asked me, giving me her trademark eyebrow wiggle. I responded with a confused look. “Kyle has always been hot. Your point?” I grinned, looking back to Kyle who was busy writing down notes. Luckily we had a spare next period so I was looking forward to talking with my boyfriend. It was hard to meet up and spend time together. Kyle usually had soccer practises all over his school agenda for the week. “I meant the teacher you dope.” Alex replied but I was yet again too lost in my sea of thoughts for my mind to register what she was saying.

There was a reason I didn’t answer calls on weekends. I’m usually at home watching the twins but that’s also when dad decides to come home...during weekends. I don’t know where he goes off to nor do I ever want to know. The last time I had a cell phone, and I answered a call from Alexandra, my father was in the house as well...I didn’t think it would be a problem but he accused me of being a cheating slut like my mother. And of course, he beat me after breaking my phone from throwing it against the wall. Every time he beats me, it’s engraved into my mind. It’s something you can’t hide sometimes. And that’s when the History substitute had spoke again.

“Hello? Ashyln, right? Are you feeling okay? You don’t look very well.” I snapped out of my thoughts. The teacher was waving his hand in front of my face and I blinked, realizing that people were snickering. “What? Oh, sorry...it’s nothing.” I looked up and gave the teacher a fake smile. Holy crap!? This stud’s a teacher? Dark, brown-black hair with amused emerald green eyes. His skin was radiant and golden colored and I could hear the slightest of accents in his voice. Oh my...was that British (English)? I’m a sucker for accents...I just find them so much more exotic and interesting. My smile had somewhat faltered as I stared up at this beautiful creation God sent down to earth in disguise of my History teacher.

“I’m Mr.Hale, your new history teacher. The last teacher retired. And you better get those notes down. Quiz two days from now.” And with that, the class groaned but I continued to stare up at Mr.Hale. Luckily my jaw didn’t drop and I managed to maintain my cool (If I have any ‘cool’ in me anyways). Beside me, Alex giggled. Oh no, that’s the giggle telling me that he’s hers! I gave my best friend an incredulous stare. Teacher. Student. Forbidden. Any of those ring a bell in her head? Probably not. Mr.Hale, seeing as though I had recovered gave me a small smile before going back over to his desk. “You didn’t hand in last week’s paper on Joseph Stalin, Miss Carol. Hang back a bit after the bell, alright? I’m not very lenient on assignments.”

After the bell rang, I of course, had no choice but to stay behind. Damn paper...I had forgotten about it during the weekends.

My left eye twitched slightly as I stared at Mr.Hale act like I wasn’t even there. I had the slightest of urges to just punch this guy straight in the face. Maybe it was all the anger I kept all pent up within me. Mr.Hale’s green eyes turned back to stare at me, studying me even. I felt a hot warmth spreading across my cheeks. I felt uncomfortable underneath his gaze, as if it mattered what I looked like. Although I’m considered to be popular, all it took was becoming friends with Alexandra at the start of highschool, combing my hair in the mornings, and wearing the clothes I normally would wear. I’m weird with style. I’m just not interested in make up or clothing. The only thing I can do is pick out some decent-looking outfits. How on Earth had my mind stumbled upon fashion!?

“Oh right...you’re staring at him and he’s staring at you” I thought, urging myself to just leave. But...I do actually care about my grades.

 Kyle came over and gave me a sympathetic look before giving me a peck on the lips. I felt a smile making its way across my face. “I’ll wait for you outside.” He whispered into my ear, sending tingles into my ear. Whenever he whispered like that, I had to restrain grinning like an idiot. The guy all the girls at this school want ended up with me, Ashlyn Carol. Poor Kyle probably didn't understand why he asked me. “I Love you.” His voice brought me back to reality. HE LOVES ME!? I had taken in a sharp but quiet inhale at those words. He really knew how to melt an ice-cold heart now, didn’t he? But it also made me wonder if he thought that I was going to go after the teacher like Alexandra had made clear. "I love you too." I mumbled, embarassed and trying not to explode in happiness at the same time.

“Ehem.” Mr.Hale interrupted our lovely moment and I rolled my eyes.

“PDA doesn’t matter when you’re in love.” I complained, earning a chuckle from Kyle who waved and left the room to myself and this ‘Mr.Hale’.

“So...why ask me to stay back? I could get the assignment in tomorrow you know. Joseph Stalin is an easy topic for this grade.” I moved my brown bangs and tucked them behind my ear. I was giving Mr.Hale an inquiring look. How old was this guy? He looks like he could be a student if it weren’t for that very appealing black vest with a white shirt underneath along with a pale blue green tie, matching his eyes.

“I know I’m young but you don’t have to stare. People will get the wrong idea~” He spoke in a sing-song voice.

“Can I punch you?” I asked him straight forwardly, avoiding eye contact. It was really awkward to be checking out a teacher and then to be told that he knows you’re doing it.

“No. That would mean I would get to suspend you. Which I doubt you need in your life. You look stressed. Which is why I was going to give you a couple of extra days on that assignment. I don’t want you dying over it tonight.” Mr.Hale shrugged his muscular shoulders with a twinkle in his eyes. Damn, he played me like a fiddle. “Looks like you don’t need that opportunity now. I just didn’t want any of the other students complaining.” He grinned, folding his arms across his chest. Well, what do you know? He’s having fun with this.

I sighed. Looks like begging will have to do. “Oh please, Great Leader, please give me an extension on this paper.” I said in a monotone voice, waiting for a reaction.

“Say it like you mean it.” What a kid!

“Okay, okay...May I please have an extension? I really...really need it.” I said, pausing awkwardly. I was thinking back to the twins again. I wanted time to spend with them too. Since my mom wasn’t around, I spent double the time taking care of them then myself.

He must have seen the look on my face because his own smirk had softened into a genuine smile. He looked cute when he smi..."No, Ashlyn. You will not fall for this guy who has multiple personality disorder". I can’t tell if he’s nice or just trying to get to me again. "For the love of God, he's your teacher. Teacher. Teacher. Teacher" I repeated in my mind just so that I could get used to looking at him and thinking he's my teacher, not just some guy who seems to have a childish side to him.

“Okay, you get your extension. As long as you don’t pull that face on me again.” Mr.Hale nodded for me to take my leave. “And no kissing in front of your teacher!” He called as I left the room with a stupid grin on my face. This time it didn’t take a whisper from Kyle. This teacher might actually be a little bit fun. Now to spend some time with Kyle.

(Still looking for pictures for each character. Any suggestions? Comment ; D You know you waaannntt to xD)

Love's Tangles: All You Need is Love (TEACHER / STUDENT - continuing as of 2017)Where stories live. Discover now