3 DAYS!?

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Chapter 4

Voices. Aside from the silence that rang in my ears, I could occasionally hear someone speaking to me. A voice? I didn't have the strength to move just yet. How long had it been? I can still see the car's headlights in my eyes...it's so bright my whole body hurts. Well that can't be right. I think the car had hit me. I struggled to move my body but only my fingers seemed to function right. Suddenly more voices flooded my hearing and I wanted to go right back to sleep.

"Miss—Ashlyn!? Hey, can I get doctors here? She's moving!" Someone's frantic voice called out and the pain on the side of my head felt so much worse. However, I recognized this voice. I just couldn't place my finger on who it was. More voices flooded my hearing and I forced my eyes open, the light was so bright that a very vivid memory of what had happened, came soaring throughout my memory. I remembered. I couldn't see the driver properly; all I saw were the headlights of the car. I squeezed my eyes shut, tears dripping down my face as the light had burned them slightly.

"She's awake!" The same voice from before had called and a bunch of footsteps could be heard making their way towards me. "Ashlyn. I want you to slowly open your eyes. If it hurts too much, close them and try again." A new voice instructed me. I did as I was told and began to slowly open my eyes, the light poured into my vision again but this time I could see figures. People. Hissing as it hurt again, the doctor placed his hand on my shoulder reassuringly as I tried again. This time my blurred vision had eventually cleared up and I spotted a trio of doctors looking down at me curiously.

"I-I'm alright now, thank you. I can see." I croaked, nodding my appreciation towards the doctors. The one that had helped with my vision problem began to explain to me what I had missed out on. "Ms.Carol, you were hit with a car three days ago near your working place. You were picked up by the driver and he immediately brought you here. Good thing he did or else it would have taken much longer for your body to recuperate the way it did." He explained it slowly so that I could understand. But I already knew what had happened. A recap wasn't what I needed, what about my twins.

As if he had read my mind, the doctor continued speaking. "A Mr...Kyle Carter picked up your sisters when he heard of the news...your sisters are...well..." He trailed off with an expression of uncertainty.

"Trouble, I know." I finished for him with a small smile at hearing news of my sisters. The doctors filed out of the room, and I watched them with a hopeless expression on my face. 3 days!? Even if people had been in comas for much longer, I just felt as if I had lost fifty years of my life. Okay maybe I was being a little dramatic. My body felt stiff. Was I lucky to have even awoken in the first place or what?

I fell back into the hospital bed, feeling weary. The doctor had just said I had been in bed rest, in and out of consciousness for about 3 days. Still...how were the twins? I glanced down at my hands to see that one of them was placed neatly in a cast. I vaguely remembered being hit in the side and so I perked up and got out of the bed, my legs feeling wobbly. I just wanted to see if I could walk yet but it seems not. As my knees gave out, I heard a shuffling sound and someone's warm hands had grabbed ahold of me gently. As the person helped me up, I found myself looking into familiar green eyes. "Mr...Hale?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper. My hand automatically moved to the base of my throat as my voice felt very raspy; proof that I had been asleep for so long.

Mr.Hale's strong arms held me up as my body threatened to buckle again. "What are you doing here?" I asked, wondering why it wasn't Kyle that had been here to be my knight in shining armor. Not that I wasn't grateful or anything but wouldn't you stop and think of why your History teacher is here with you when he should be busy marking the history quiz the class would have done? Ignoring the fact that he's very good looking? Probably not...

Love's Tangles: All You Need is Love (TEACHER / STUDENT - continuing as of 2017)Where stories live. Discover now