CH7- The Informant

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"Lapis...Lazuli?" you repeat, blinking slowly.

Peridot latches onto your hand with a firm grip causing you to turn and face her to find her face flushing up. 

"Jasper is going to realise that you're out of your cell sooner or later, so we need to return you immediately."

"N-No wait.." your words trail off your tongue as Peridot hurriedly drags you away. However, your eyes are still focused on this 'Lapis Lazuli' inside her cell. 

You have so many questions about this strange blue victim, but you knew that Peridot would just shoot them down without question.

* * * *

To no surprise, no matter how hard you argued and questioned, Peridot still placed you back in your cell. It all seemed very... weird? 

The whole ship was quiet unlike usual where the halls are filled with Jasper's loud unsettling voice, but as of right now, all you could hear was the calming hum of the ship's engines. 

You were outstretched on the floor of your cell thinking about the prisoner you had just seen. Why had Peridot ushered you away so quickly? Why didn't she want to answer your questions about her? The whole situation annoyed you.

Peridot annoyed you.

But you couldn't do anything but wait until Jasper or Peridot came to interrogate you again. 

* * * *

Your eyes peel open to the sound of your cell being destabilised. You flinch at the sudden movement, but you still manage to sit upright to see what was going on. That's when you realise a familiar green alien is standing outside your cell.

"What're you doing..?" you question still half asleep.

Peridot looks down at you from her screen with an uneven expression before she decides to shuffle over, lowering herself until she was practically inches away from your face. Feeling slightly unnerved, you inch away from her closing body.

"Did you receive an adequate amount of rest?" she asks you.

The way she was acting and asking you stuff wasn't... Peridot-like? Still, you thought it would be better to answer her despite your confusion, the last thing you wanted to do was wind up into trouble again.

"I- guess so?" 

"Hm," she responds with an odd curled lip, "How pleasing." 

She was trying to be discrete but you noticed how she was trying to edge in closer towards your face. Your whole body starts to stiffen up with immense caution.

"Peridot- what're you doing?" you ask nervously. 

You see Peridot coil back as if she had just stopped herself from doing something she was going to regret. You also notice that her eyes had drooped, in fact, everything about her screamed that she was feeling somewhat guilty.

"I apologise Y/N."

It all happened so quickly.

Peridot leaned in and pressed her lips to yours which immediately sent your whole body into shock. You had completely frozen yet your stone-cold eyes were open and focused on Peridot's lips attempting to work against yours- which was clearly a one sided-effort. That was until you felt the injector. 

You knew Peridot was an intellectual gem, but you had no idea how cunning she truly was.

The pain was certainly immediate. Immense was one way of describing the flood of pain you were encountering. Using your free hand,  you manage to knock Peridot away with a single stride before desperately clutching your fresh wound from the injector.

You collapse to the floor of your cell. Your vision had started to dot over, in fact, everything in range had started to fuzz- including Peridot. You noticed that she hadn't moved at all since inoculating you, she had just watched you collapse in agony.

"Y/N," she restates, "We needed an informant asides Lazuli...and you were our only option." 

Her words seemed scattered and misplaced. Your whole body had gone into complete shutdown that you couldn't even begin to comprehend Peridot's attempt at an explanation. Yet the same question kept pondering your mind. 

What had just happened? More importantly, was Peridot even slightly aware of what she had just done?

"Thanks," you breathe, almost sounding upset? "You've definitely helped decide whether I hate you."

Peridot's somewhat broken expression is the last thing you see before blacking out completely.


Hey everyone! I'm sorry it's been so long, I've had really bad writer's block. But thank you all for being so supportive! I also apologise for this crappy chapter. -R

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