CH1- Just Rocks?

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"Ugh," you mutter to yourself, "Three days here and still no information for my stupid news report!"

With bubbling frustration, you kick the pile of sand beneath your feet into the shallow depth of the sea. You were sent to a free week's stay in Beach City, a small city on the coast. At first, you had been excited at the opportunity, ecstatic almost. But now you realize it wasn't everything you had hoped it'd be.

You were sent to investigate the strange sightings reported by the citizens in the area. So far you had interviewed a Fryman and the man who ran the local pizza shop. They both claimed to have seen a large hand floating in the sky, but that's all they managed to confess...leaving you with no solid proof.

Absolutely nothing.

With a small sigh, you eventually give up and find yourself sitting on the warm sand of the beach. Your eyes flicker up to gaze at the setting sun, its fantastic orangey glow lighting the sky so beautifully. A part of you sinks at the fact you never had the time to do this anymore; sitting on the beach with the sea at your toes. It was all hard work and typing for hours, but you guess that's just how life is. You have to grow up at some point whether you like it or not.

It was then when your phone buzzed from inside your pocket. Taking a quick breather, you moved your hand to grab the cell from your pocket and answer the call. "Hello?"

"Ah, Y/N!" the voice beamed through the phone. It was your co-worker, Jen. "How's the project been going?"

"It's bombed completely," you stress in reply, "I've literally found nothing!"

There's a pause. "Well...haven't you interviewed anyone in the city? That's a good way to find information."

"Yes, I have! But they're not making any logical sense whatsoever!" You sigh, "Jen, I'm gonna get fired for this."

"Y/N don't say that..."

"It's true though!"

The phone call between you and Jen lasts for a couple of extra minutes before you both eventually hang up with goodbyes. You felt like you wanted to cry. Realistically, four days wasn't going to buy you anything. You just hoped that perhaps a miracle would come and rescue you from being fired from your job.

With a grunt, you slowly push yourself up from the ground and brush yourself down from the sand you were sitting on.

Your clothes were covered in the sand, your butt being the worst. But you decided that it didn't matter- it was late and it looked like nobody was outside. So you begin to make your way back to your temporary home.

Your home in beach city was sat beside the huge monumental statue of a four-armed woman which fascinated you deeply. You wondered the story behind it and th-


You look down to try and locate what you had just stumbled over. Bending down, you see that it appeared to be a shiny green rock next to what looked like a shattered orange one. You pick up both in your hand and start to poke around the broken shards of the orange rock. They both seemed to glow in the hint of the rising moonlight making thoughts arise in your head.

How did you manage to trip over such tiny rocks?  They're hardly the size of the huge rocks you had spotted along the coast earlier? Or ...maybe it was just you?

Ha. Probably.

So without second thought, you slide the shiny green rock into your pocket and throw the shattered shards back onto the sand. You didn't want to take shards back with you, and besides! The green rock will suit your room much nicer.

* * * *

You arrive back to your room after a good 20 minutes of slow walking. You decide to add your newly found rock to your bedside table next to your stack of folders and paperwork.

It looked kinda pretty, and it looked to be the only good thing coming out of this trip. With that seeming to be your last thought of the night, you slump back onto your cramped bed and slowly begin to drift to sleep.

* * * *


That was a voice. Someone was in your room. Was it a break-in? Were you being robbed?

"Log date 2-1-1-2, I appear to be...trapped in some sort of...chamber? I am unaware of what it is and how I seemed to have gotten here."

Trying to be discrete, you slightly open one eye to try and catch a glimpse of the intruder. It appeared to be some sort of triangular creature? No...could it be alien? You needed this, this is proof for your report!

"Wait- what is... that?" the voice speaks in confusion. You quickly snap your eye shut, but soon after, you feel the haze of breath lightly against your face. "Some other cloddy life form appears to be here with me." 

It was then when cold fingers plucked your eyes open to meet with a green colored creature with a triangular rock on its forehead. The exact same triangular green rock you had found earlier.

Holy crap.

In shock, you release a high pitched screech and fall off your bed with a large thud. The creature also screams and jumps back at your sudden collapse. No. This had to be a dream surely. You'll wake up soon.

"GET UP YOU CLOD!" the creature instructs you, creating a large energy ball with it's floating fingers. You instantly scramble to your feet, legs shaking a little as you do so. Dying was the last thing you wanted to do. "WHY HAVE YOU IMPRISONED ME IN THIS- ...THIS CHAMBER?"

You can feel yourself begin to sweat. "I-I didn't even know you were here!"

"I'm fed up with LIES! Now I want you to tell me why you chose to enclose me here. Or else."

Hope you liked this chapter! Write a comment to tell me whatcha thought!~


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