CH9- Plans

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It had been a long day for you. Actually- long was a bit of an understatement. You currently sat awaiting your trial in your new cell on Homeworld. The cell was certainly a lot more roomy than the one you had grown accustomed to on the ship, however the confinement felt a lot colder. You had been hugging your knees consistently in attempt to warm yourself, but in reality- it wasn't really doing you any favours.

You could hardly believe that just over two weeks ago, you had been moping around Beach city, questioning it's citizens, bored out of your mind- and now, you were sat on the floor of a cell on an alien planet in the middle of space, thousands of miles away from home. You had almost forgotten what life on Earth was like, and the sad reality of the situation was that you were now used to the cold hard floor of a cell over your warm bed back home on Earth.

They were currently questioning Lapis Lazuli- the gem you'd met not too long ago. Or at least you thought they were. You hadn't seen her since you and Peridot had gone to get food that one day on the ship. It then crossed your mind that you could have been talking to her when you sat in that room with the mystery gem before being dragged out to Homeworld. Either way, you felt bad for the blue gem. She had been with Jasper and Peridot longer than you had, and probably had to go through all the hardships they put you through twice as many times. 

You wondered if Jen had wondered about your disappearance. You wondered if your boss had noticed you hadn't returned from Beach city. You wondered if your parents had noticed the lack of calls and messages from you reminding them of how much you love them. But you also wondered if Peridot had faked care towards you the whole time you were on board that ship. Being alone in your cell had given you time to think about all these things, and made you question yourself whether you would ever get back to Earth, or whether you would actually make it off of Homeworld alive?


A familiar voice echoed out down the hall of cells, making all your current thoughts dissolve within a second. Peridot. You hadn't seen her for a long while- not since the whole 'incident' back on the ship. You weren't sure if you would ever be able to forgive her for that. You weren't too sure if you would ever be able to forgive yourself for putting so much trust into an untrustworthy alien.

Soon enough, her triangular-shaped head poked round to peep into your cell. She wore a sheepish expression, one that made a part of you feel slightly bad for her.

"T-they're going to be asking for you soon," she confesses after a brief pause, "Jasper will be here to collect you and bring you before the Diamonds."

There's a lengthy silence between the two of you. Peridot peers down at you with a look that was begging for you to say something in return, but honestly, you couldn't think of anything you had to say- despite having plenty of time to muster up something to say to her. You felt a little broken, and your thoughts were completely scattered.

"So we don't have much time Y/N."

Your head then whips up, eyes wide with shock. "What?" you almost choke.

"You heard me," she repeats much quieter, "I'm getting you out of here before Jasper gets back."

"What-," you scramble to your feet, still engulfed in confusion, "Why're you-?"

"I just am," she cuts you off in a flustered tone.

Before you could argue anymore, Peridot had destabilised your confinement and made a quick grab for your arm, soon swiftly pulling you down the dim-lit corridor of cells. Everything was moving too quickly. As you moved further and further down the hall with Peridot, your vision had started to fuzz; objects became blurred shapes and the dull sound of Peridot's boots colliding with the polished floor had started to transform itself into an irritating ringing. The situation felt like a weird fever dream.

"You need to keep up" Peridot warns you. Her voice felt so distant, but her presence remained close- you weren't too sure if you could keep up for much longer. Everything was becoming too much. You were starting to lose focus.

 "Y/N!" The gem then pulls to a sudden halt in the hallway and turns to face you with a concerned look creased into her features. "What's wrong with you? I'm trying to help you escape!"

You nod slowly at her words, trying to show your gratitude without wanting to collapse. "I don't feel so good" you manage to utter under your breath.

"You what-?"

You cut her off as you suddenly topple to the ground, your head making a disturbing sound as it collided with the hard floor. Peridot immediately rushes to you in panic. She attempts to pick up your body, but her bulky limb enhances stop her from being able to lift you effectively.

The gem searches around in panic, making sure no one could see what she was about to do next. Without second thought, Peridot begins to wriggle out of arm limb enhancers, allowing the metal devices to drop to the floor beside you with a loud clang. She then makes a grab for you again, this time succeeding, with you draped across her arms before breaking into a fast walk down the rest of the corridor.

The green gem eventually manages to make it to the end of the hall before coming to a sharp stop in front of the archway when she hears the angry footsteps of -what seemed like- Quartz soldiers. 

Flooded with alarm, Peridot hurriedly makes a beeline into the supply cupboard beside the archway, shutting the door tightly shut behind her. The room was small and cramped and not to mention extremely dark- but the two of you were safe. Just in time too, Peridot could hear the large stampede of soldiers walk right past the supply room and down the corridor, without a hint of suspicion. The room was hidden in plain sight- it was almost too good to be true.

You were still unconscious in Peridot's arms, but you were safe. Peridot knew she had to stay hidden until you wake up, but she didn't mind. Her number 1 priority was to return you back home. And she wasn't planning on stopping until she did so.


Sorry for being absent for so long, I hope this update makes up for it. -R

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