chapter 2

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Alondra pov
Yesterday was really weird and now I have to go to school. Not very excited about that but I do. I was looking through my closet and I hear my phone vibrate. It was a message from Blake. "Hey do you wanna hang after school today" I read. I replied with a yea sure. After I got dressed I went downstairs and found that all my parents things were gone. I tried calling them but their phones were in their bedroom with new phone boxes by them. I sat on the bed and started crying.

A few minutes later Miranda came in and asked what was wrong. "Mom and dad left us" I said crying even more. "They would never do that" she said taking her phone out. She called them and again their phones were on the bed next to me. She looked at them and ran downstairs. I heard crying and went to her.

She was reading a note. She handed it to me and started crying even more.

"Dear Alondra and Miranda,

I see you found our note. You might be wondering where we are? Well I'm sorry but we can't stay with you to. It just makes us miserable. We aren't going to call you or send you any messages. Don't try to find us!! We don't want you. You both were accidents. I'm sorry we never told you. We just didn't want to make you feel bad. Have a nice happy or sad life. However you want to live.

- mom and dad"

I fell to the floor and started crying. I don't even get why they would do this to us. We never did anything bad. Is that why they moved us here. I'm only 15 and Miranda is only 16. We are young girls, we don't deserve this. I washed my face and drove to school. Just because they left us doesn't mean I can't go to school and get an education. Im not giving up so easy.

I got to school and I saw Blake and Hunter. I decided to avoid them today and probably forever. I don't need any distractions now that I'm alone in this. Miranda decided to enroll in early college because she was offered a chance and we both decided to go to school and she wants to be a doctor so she really needs it.

I walked to my first class and there were a lot of smart people in there. I was so surprised at how smart these people were. What surprised me more was that Hunter was in this class and all my classes.

We was pretty cool and we ended up having a lot in common. I also found out that he has a little crush on Miranda. The way he talked about her was so sweet and I was really glad he felt that way. I'm not saying I'm gonna let him date her. She doesn't need anymore drama or distractions.

After school I drove home and Hunter and Miranda were hanging out. I went up to my room and put on black joggers and a white crop top.
As I was putting my hair up I heard my phone vibrate.

Blake💙: hey I'm picking you up in 5 dress comfortably.

Me❤: ok 😜

I didn't change since he said comfortable which I was. "Alondra Blake is here!!" I heard Miranda yell.
I walked downstairs and she was standing next to the door. Both her and Hunter were smirking. I looked at Blake and he just laughed. He then lead me to his car and opened my door door. "Thank you." I smiled. He got in and drove to sky zone. It was my favorite place of all time.

We got down Blake and I were arguing to who was gonna pay and then he left to the restroom. I went to pay without him knowing. " Hi I'm here with my friend Blake and I'm paying for us and he doesn't know so when he comes to pay you just give back the money he gives you." I said. She smiled. " That's pretty smart I should try that." She said. I payed and then waited for Blake.

"Alondra I saw what you did." He said. "What did I do?" I asked. "I'm paying next time." He laughed. I laughed then we put on those orange socks they give us. We got on the trampoline and the lights turned off. I tried finding Blake but I fell on top of someone. A few seconds later the party lights went on and I was on top of Blake. "Well aren't you enjoying this?" He smirked. I slapped him and got up.

We were doing flips and stuff when a few girls came over. "Omg Blake!!!!" One yelled. "Can I have a picture with you!?!" The other said. I waited in the corner and soon he was done and all the girls walked away. "Why do girls keep mobbing you??" I asked confused. "Alondra I don't wanna tell you until I'm ready." He said. I smiled and said that i would wait.

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