Chapter 4

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A year after Lucy Meeting Brandon and Draven

*Natsu's POV*

Ever since that incident, the guild has never been the same. We treated her as if she was never here once Lisanna came a replacement.I cringed at the horrible word. Then, the words that flew out of my mouth made me want to punch myself. 

I never loved Lisanna like a girlfriend. She was like a sister to me. Lucy, however, was the light of my life. She wasn't a brat but a kind, caring friend. She would stand back up, even when shoved down by multiple people.

I didn't know why those words came out or where it came from, but I instantly regretted saying it. Gray and Gajeel snapped insults at me and ignored me. Erza almost broke my arm. Lisanna looked pitiful and always avoided me. 

Those didn't even hurt me.

What hurt me the most was missing Lucy's smile and her perky personality. I missed her yelling at me when I enter her room without her permission.I missed her being here. I loved Lucy, but I don't even know if I even deserve her anymore.

It's been 4 years ever since she left, and we've been searching for her ever since. The latest rumors said she was sighted in the first place I met her, but when we searched for her, her scent was already gone.

"Enough brooding around. We're going on a mission," Erza said while dragging me by the collar. She picked up a job that said we had to catch criminals in Hargeon for 6,000,000 J. I ogled at the prize.

"Been awhile ever since we've gone on one. Can't wait," Gray said stretching his muscular body.

"G-Gray-sama, your clothes," Juvia stammered, blushing.

"HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?" Gray yelled and disappeared to find his missing clothes.

"Don't forget about me!" Happy said and landed on my shoulder. He rubbed his blue cheek on my head. I patted the blue Exceed and massaged it behind its ears. Happy purred loudly.

"I'm all fired up!" I exclaimed as we left the guild.


"Not so fired up any more huh, Natsu?" Gray teased. 

I grumbled," Not funny." I groaned as another wave smacked onto my head. 

When was this going to be over?

The train had finally stopped, and I flew out and kissed the floor. "I missed you, ground," I pretended to hug the floor.

"Are you guys from Fairy Tail?" the man walked up to us. He looked like he was the same age as us. He was dressed in black from top to bottom.

"Yep! Are you the client?" I said, showing off my Fairy Tail symbol. Suddenly, I was blasted back against the lamp post.

"Nope," he said, popping the p. He must be one of the criminals we're finding. 

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" I yelled and smacked into- air? 

"Natsu! Look out!" Erza exclaimed. I ducked, narrowly escaping death itself. The guy had a sword pointed where my heart would've been if I hadn't reacted. I would've been dead. I took this chance and kicked him away from me. 

"Gray, evacuate the train station!" I ordered.



"NOT THE TIME GUYS!" Erza growled as she dueled her own enemy.

"Fire Dragon's Roar!" I blew fire at the enemy, knocking out at least half of them.

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