Chapter 12

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I woke up in Natsu's warm hug. His arms wrapped tightly around me as his head rested on my head. He was closer to me than normal, but I didn't really care. I sighed and his arms tightened around me.

"Good morning, Luce," his chest rumbled as his voice spoke. 

"Good mornin', Natsu," I yawned and stretched. My body felt a bit sore. Probably from the hangover or the party.

Then, I suddenly had the urge to puke. I hurried to the restroom and retched into the toilet. 

"Lucy?" Natsu rubbed my back. I wiped my mouth and flushed the toilet. 

"I'm better now. Probably from something I ate last night." Natsu's concern did not change as I walked out of the restroom.

Right when I was near the bed, the memory from last night came back to me. I remember...

Oh my god..

Natsu and I..

I ran back to the restroom and puked again, but closed the door before. After I finished, I pulled my sleeve down and saw the mark on my shoulder. 

The mark of the completion of the mating bond. A large red dragon shape curled around the bite, sealing the mark.

Then, I heard two heartbeats.

Oh. My. God.

I left the restroom and saw a note on my bed.

Happy told me that there is a meeting at our guild. Scream if you need me.


I slowly sat on my bed, and my sapphire bracelet buzzed.

"Lu-ucy, hurry to our guild. Quick!" Brandon exclaimed. The hologram suddenly cut off. I jumped to my feet and ran to Crescent Moon.

I slammed the doors open, seeing both Fairy Tail and Crescent Moon in the room. Everyone looked at me. 

"What's wrong? What happened?" I said, rushing in. I pushed my worries of me and Natsu to the back of my head. 

Evelyn ran up to me, sobbing on my chest.

"M-Master Hadaski is dead!" she wailed loudly and hugged me tighter. Time froze.


Brandon's face was full of anger as he held his crying brother close, "Someone came in and asked for help to destroy Fairy Tail. He was also looking for you as well. Master Hadaki denied and died right in spot."

I clenched my fists. "Describe him."

"Black hair, red eyes, black clothes with a white sash," Nico said, his eyes blank.

I tensed up. I knew exactly who he was.


Cosmos warned me about him. Although he did help put Acnologia asleep, he is cursed and insane. 

Mavis please help us.

"Do you know him, Lucy?" Erza questioned. I didn't answer her. 

"Brandon and Evelyn, you will prepare the entire guild to move. Nico, find a spot that'll be good for everyone's safety. Draven, you will help carry the supplies. Fairy Tail, you will help and make sure the children in Crescent Scale do not wonder off. You can also help out with the elders."

"What about you, Lucy?" Wendy asked.

"...I need to talk to an old friend of mine. I will be back in a little bit." I made eye contact with Natsu.

He doesn't remember last night.

I looked away and walked to Hargeon. I sniffed the air and noticed Gajeel was following me.

"I know you are there, Gajeel."

"You and Natsu..completed your mating bond didn't you. You reek of him."

I turned my head back to see him, "and if I did?"

"Lucy, you know what you have done. Bunny girl never forgets. You know it's true."

"He doesn't even remember last night. Cosmos even told me that."

Gajeel raised his voice, "He what!"

I spun to look at him, "and I'm pregnant. I'm sure of it as well. I hear a second heartbeat whenever I'm quiet. Now, another person is after me! ME!" I jabbed my thumb on my chest.

"That does he not remember his own mate? How does he not hear the second heartbeat. I heard it from afar as well," he muttered, scratching his head.

"I'm going to see an old friend of mine.

"Who is it exactly?" 

I smirked,"A friend named Tyran."

ELLOOOO GUYS! Who remembers Tyran? ;). What do you guys think will happen next? And holy crap, Lucy is pregnaaaaaannnnt. Why do you guysthink Natsu doesn't remember? Why didn't Natsu tell Lucy about the attack at Crescent Scale when he was going to leave for Fairy Tail? He knows since Fairy Tail was at their guild when Lucy arrived. Why do you also think Zeref wants to go after Lucy and Fairy Tail? Last of all...WHY THE HECK IS SHE VISITING TYRAN NKJRVNJVKJSKJSBVKJBSCWEOIGEOAIVECOIAVCLNIECLIAELNI-

Hm. Comment down below what you think! 


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