Chapter 10

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*Lucy's POV*

My eyelids slowly opened, unveiling the world before me. I saw the pink haired pyro mage slouched over on the bed, snoring loudly. I smiled and brushed his soft hair with my fingers.

"He really does love you, you know," a voice said at the door. 

"Lisanna?" I removed my hand away from his hair. Her hair had grown a bit longer, and she had definitely gotten taller. 

"Nice to see you again, Lucy. We've been worried." 

I nodded and looked down at Natsu.

"Hear him out, ok?" Lisanna waved and left.  I tried to sit up, but intense pain burned at my back. I whimpered slightly and was stuck in that position.

Natsu, who literally slept through Lisanna's talking, woke up and saw my pained expression.

"Luce! Careful," he exclaimed as he gently let me sit up.I watched as he placed the pillow behind me. I saw dark circles underneath his eyes and his pale skin. 

"Natsu, are you ok?" 

"Lucy, how can you still care for us..for me after all I've done to you?" he asked me but couldn't meet my gaze.

I placed a finger underneath his chin to make him look at me, "Dwelling on the past is the same as drowning in it. After all, I still..I still can't get over a feeling."

"What feeling?" he looked at me in question. Even though I was mad, I couldn't stand to see him sad. His guilt. Without hesitation, I grabbed his collar and yanked him towards me, connecting our lips. 

Natsu's eyes widen in shock but returned the kiss. I ignored the pain in my back as I rested my forehead with his.

"The feeling of love," I whispered to him. He wrapped his warm arms around me. I closed my eyes and finally felt the missing piece of my heart return. Leaning my head on the crook of his neck, I breathed in his smoke and woody scent. My pounding chest calmed down. 

"Thank you, Luce. For giving me another chance," I heard him mutter. My lips formed a smile, and I finally had fallen back asleep.


One week later..

I leaned forward, panting hard. I've been practicing my magic in a dormant area, far away from civilization.

Crossing my legs and closing my eyes, I began to meditate.I could feel the power of the stars pull at me, trying to take me somewhere. Loke summoned himself beside me. 

"Hi Lucy! Have you come to confess your love to me?" Loke swooned. I playfully bashed him in the head.

"You wish," I laughed.

Lucy. It's been too long.

Cosmos? I spun around on the balls of my feet and saw the great Celestial dragon towering over me.

"Cosmos!" I exclaimed and hugged her scaly legs. She nudged me with her nose and wrapped her wings around us.

Thank you for defeating Acnologia, Lucy. The Dark Wing guild is finally eliminated.

"I couldn't have done it without you guys," I responded happily. 

"Lucy is it?" a deep voice growled behind Cosmos. It was a large, red dragon with a scar on its cheek.

"Igneel," I gasped but shook out of my trance. "Yes, sir."

He made this weird coughing noise, but then, I realized that he was laughing. "Please don't call me sir. Makes me feel old. Igneel is just fine. So tell me girl, how's my Natsu doing?"Cosmos unraveled her wings to let me talk to him.

"He's great! In fact, is there a possible way to bring him here?" I asked Cosmos. She tapped her chin with her claw. "Yes, you can use portals. Why?"

"His birthday is coming up, and I want to surprise him. Do you mind bringing Grandine and Metalicana, Igneel?" He nodded.

"Does this has something to do with, your lover boy's birthday," Cosmos teased. I grinned nervously as she was going on dangerous territory. Igneel towered over me and wrapped his tail around me. 

"See you soon, Lucy." 


My eyes peeled open, and I saw that the sun was already dipping. Natsu's gonna freak! I sped to Magnolia at light speed, trying not to run into any trees. When I made it to the side walks, I stopped and look back at the forest. He's going to be so happy.

"Hey Luce! What took you so long?" he jogged up to me and nuzzled his face on my neck. 

"Got a little overboard. How's your day?" I ruffled his hair. 

"Bored." he grumbled. 

"LUSSHEEE!" Happy crashed into me. He couldn't stop crying and sticking to me when I woke up. I pet his ears, his purrs rumbled on my chest. 

"Hi, Happy!"


After I had cooked dinner, I laid in my old bed with Natsu. Yes, that's what I said. My OLD BED. 

Natsu's been paying the rent and staying in here ever since I left, and it reeked of his scent. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close to his chest. Our feet were tangled underneath the sheets.

"Goodnight, Luce," Natsu mumbled and placed his chin on my head. I snuggled against him. I couldn't wait for tomorrow to come.


Omg, I am so sorry guys for such a short and horrible chapter. I was suffering from major writer's block AND IS STILL suffering because of it. -.- Such a nuisance.. It will take me a little longer to write the chapters now. 

The plot will slowly change after this chapter. There will be a new villain, a hero, and of course, a victim. The character numbers will also grow in the next chapters. I noticed that it only focused on a couple of characters. Gotta give them a life ;)

Anyways till then!

See you laturrr,


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