Chapter 27

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*Lucy's POV*

I sat on my knees with my face towards the sparkling sky of the Celestial World. 

I was sick of people getting hurt because of me, especially when I had powers and knew how to fight.

The curse finally released its grip off of me but not without  a price.

Lisanna patted my shoulder, trying to console me. I clenched my fists against my thighs. I needed to learn more about them. We aren't gonna win by fighting in the dark by only knowing about them wanting celestial dragons.

Killing them especially. But why?

Why attack guilds suddenly and who exactly are they.

What they are.

I was thirsty for blood, inner dragon roaring to kill them. They caused me to become poisoned and forced me to sacrifice Cosmos.

Placing a hand on hers, I rose from the ground and looked at Loke. 

"Since the curse is gone, you guys are still capable of coming right?" He nodded but not without the sad glint in his eyes.

I turned away from him, trying to ignore it. It'll only make me cry even more. Crying...won't help anyone.

I was a Celestial Dragon Slayer again, and I'm not just going to stand around and do nothing.

"We're returning to Magnolia. I want them gone once and for all."


 (Natsu's POV)

The ominous sky only seemed to get darker and darker by moment. It's been 3 hours; Lucy and Lisanna still have not returned. I knew I shouldn't be angry at Lucy. I shouldn't be making her feel bad, but  I just can't help to feel that something was very, very wrong. Gray and Erza were missing, and they are powerful as hell.

We must be dealing with something far bigger than just simple assassins aiming for celestial dragons. Master Makarov and Master Brandon managed to find out what the metal was, leading us one step closer. It was called Oreo -or something like that.  Gramps said that it absorbs power to make it more powerful, and like before, the sword arm is the weakness.

I'm just trying to think how Gray and Erza were captured. The only way I know would be to be ambushed. I just wonder how.

"Yo, Salamander." I looked at Gajeel. 

"Where's Bunnygirl?"

"I dunno. She and Lisanna split from us."

His sharp gaze was burning into mine. "You mean you guys split?! I thought Makarov ordered-"

"I don't know ok!" I waved my arms into the air incredulously. I do not need to be lectured at a time it is not needed. Out of all people, Ironman does it!

"'I don't know' is not a valid answer!" I was lifted off of my feet with his hands digging into my vest.

Out of the blue, the guild hall doors whipped open, a man in black flying through the air. With a painful thump against the wall, the bloodied man laid unconscious, blood pooling on the floor.

We all looked towards the door, staring into the back of two blondes with hands stained of red. The darker blondes' eyes was shadowed by hunger for vengeance. A pile of dead men laid at her feet. No mercy could be seen.

I gulped at the sight. It was horrific. So much blood.. 

Then, Lucy turned around and shouted, "WHO'S NEXT?"

All we could hear was fleeing.


I AM SO SO SO SORRY FOR NOT POSTING IN LIKE FUCKING 100 YEARS OHNVJBRUFWJEFGBFWN. I AM SO SORRY. I'm gonna post 2 chapters tonight because of it even if its off my schedule. I'm trying my very best to catch up to what's going on. I needed to reread some of TLS to make sure I'm not butchering anything. More coming tonight. Blood Moon included.


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