Chapter 13

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I just started watching Noragami. It is so friggin good. You guys need to watch it. And just so you know, Tyran looks like Yato. But still..his eyes.. (cue eye hearts) This is weird.

I am weird. Why am I fangirling over an anime character.


Alright I should probably shut up now since it's story time.


Gajeel stayed close behind me as I approached a small cabin and knocked.

"For Pete's sake, I'm not your mate-" Tyran yanked the door open and saw who it was.

"For Pete's sake, I'm not your mate," I mimicked him. His eyes narrowed.

"What do you want?" he had an edge on his voice when he said it to me. 

"What was Dark Wing's main goal?" I asked, crossing my arms across my chest. 

"Long story."

"Make it short then."

"It's not that easy."

I scowled, "You aren't even trying." Tyran sighed.

"Why do you even want to know?"

"Zeref." Tyran tensed. I could tell I hit a weak spot. 

"Dark Wing's objective , yes, was to summon Acnologia. We failed to prevent Zeref from coming though however. We would of attacked you the guilds stronger, but that monster destroyed many of our strongest wizards," Tyran spoke, eyes glazed over.

"And do you plan to stop him?" One of my eyebrows rose. 

"I-I don't know. I've seen what he has been capable of. He's even stronger than you," he said, shivering. 

"Join us, Tyran. You can help us since you are the only one actually has a big enough heart to not kill us in the process. We can be allies for this battle."

Tyran's expression hardened, " Why? I was in Dark Wing."

"Exactly. You caused it. You need to end it," I pointed out. He scowled.

"No. I'm staying out of it." 

Right when he was closing the door, I pressed my foot in the doorway. "I know where Elizabeth Corrine is. She's alive and well." The door nearly fell off of its hinges. I found myself face to face with Tyran. Elizabeth is Tyran's wife, and nearly died at the attack because of Zeref.  Levy and I did a little research on the Dark Wing guild members shortly after the war, in case if they tried to fight back. Tyran was the one with the most heart, and the only one who had a love interest.

"Where is she?" he growled. I placed a finger on his nose and pushed him back. 

"Do you accept the offer?"

He stared at the ground, deep in thought. He had to choose wisely. Either way, Zeref will come after him since he had summoned Acnologia. 

"I accept."

"Do you know any other surviving Dark Wing members that will cooperate with us without shredding heads or betraying?" I asked. He shook his head.

"They are ruthless. Animal-like even. They eat each other," he shuddered. I gagged and heard Gajeel behind me shuffle. For the first time, surprisingly, Tyran noticed Gajeel.

"Well hello, emo. Who are you?" 

Gajeel snorted, "Emo? What are you? An angsty teenager?" The iron dragon slayer examined Tyran who looked flustered.

"That's my protector," I lied. I will admit though, I feel safer being around Tyran with Gajeel here. I don't trust myself because of the baby in me.

Tyran muttered, "So back to the subject. Where's Elizabeth?" 

I took out a map and showed him the direction to a house near the Sabertooth guild. I made an x on the spot.

"There. I hope you the best of luck on finding her. If you know any allies, please come to Fairy Tail or Crescent Scale. We'll be planning there. Don't make me regret this, Tyran. You know the outcomes of that." He gulped and nodded, closing the door.

When I heard it click, I took a deep breath. I closed my eyes and heard the loud heartbeat of my baby echo in my ears.

"You ok, bunny girl?" I looked up to Gajeel and smiled. "I'm good."

"When are you telling Natsu, Lucy? You can't go into battle-" Gajeel said. I cut him off and waved it off.

"I can't stay either. Zeref will be looking specifically for me as well...for whatever reason hes got. Plus, Natsu doesn't remember the night,"I sighed.

Gajeel rubbed his neck nervously, "That's really weird. Dragons never forget it. Ever."

"Do you think Zeref had something to do with it?"

"I don't know Lucy. I don't know."

I self consciously rubbed my stomach. Oh what are we going to do?

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