Chapter 14

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No spoilers about the picture please (even though I know what it means and it breaks my heart). So Lucy is pregnant. Her horrible timing man. I feel bad for her even though I'm the writer lol. However, we aren't going to be focusing on Lucy. You guessed it! It's gonna be focused on Natsu. (*cough* picture). Oh this chapter is going to be so dark. I hope you enjoy. Warning: it can get a bit graphic. If you have a vivid imagination and get queasy from blood, I suggest you just skip over the few sentences. The stuff below the story will explain. All photo credits belong to original owner.

Natsu's POV

I picked up the children's bags and hauled it over my shoulder. The Crescent Scale base, the new one, was closer to Fairy Tail.  

"All about communication and safety, my friend," the boy in the wheelchair told me when I asked why there.

I headed down the hole and saw the man in a black with a white sash.

No. NO!

"GET OUT!" I shoved the kids back and the cave exploded. I heard screams from inside the cave.

"No!" I yelled and tried to get in but got blasted back. The shrill voices stopped. The cave flashed, and the man was gone.  When I checked in there, all there was left was skeletons of the victim. I suddenly felt weak and cold. My legs gave out underneath me. 

"Natsu!" Erza and Gray exclaimed, catching me before my entire body hits the floor. 

"Natsu?" another voice sounded at the entrance. It was full of love and worry.

"Kill her," the voice in my head screamed. 


I lost control of my body and it snapped up. I couldn't warn anyone because I couldn't speak. I struggled to get my control back. Bounds in the mind pinned me against the wall, forcing me to watch. My hand tore itself into Lucy's stomach, yanking out.

Lucy was pregnant.

I saw her horrific expression as she saw her unborn baby. I, then, remembered the night of the mating and all of her symptoms. I stared down at Lucy, who was crying and bleeding profusely as Wendy tried to stop it.

"NO!" I exclaimed, struggling. I was going to be a father. Lucy and I..

"Surprise surprise," the man from before walked up to me. "Are you enjoying the show?"

"You SADIST!" I snarled, yanking at the chains. 

"I made you forget about your mate, and now she shall die slowly. Bleeding her way to death," he laughed.

"No!" I wailed as I saw my mate unmoving. Her eyes were wide open and Wendy was crying. I felt a sting on my cheek as Gray punched me.

"Snap out of it, Natsu!" he screamed. 

"I'll let you deal with them," the man cooed and the control came back to me.

I saw my mate unmoving and backed away. "No.." I saw my bloody hands.

"No.." I pushed everyone away and ran far away from the scenery. This was my fault. I caused her pain again and again. I-I was going to be a father. I was going to have a family. I killed them. I killed both my baby and my mate. 

"Yessss you have. Let it consume you."

I stopped and collapsed on my knees, sobbing hysterically.

"Why?" I wailed to the sky. "Before it was Igneel, and now Lucy? How can you be so cruel!"I slammed my fist onto the ground, where it was soaked from my tears.


I can feel the cold consume my entire body. I knew I was losing control, but I didn't care. I killed my mate. I killed my family.

So why would I ever belong in one?

Short chapter, but hey, a lot happened lol. This was very graphic. Natsu tore Lucy's baby out of her- Jesus. What's wrong with me. -.-. Maybe it was because I was slightly pissed when writing it. Heh.

Aline/ snowshoerabbit

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