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Whenever he wasn't training or lazing around, Lance liked to walk around the castle. Sure, by now he should have memorized the whole structure by now, but since the corrupted castle's attempt to kill him at least twice (or was it just twice, he wasn't sure) Lance hadn't gone around the castle that much. He'd spent more time in his room, alone with his thoughts. Usually thoughts about earth. About home. This afternoon was no different. It was hard to tell since they were in space and all, but it was an afternoon.


He checked his phone that never left his room. Yup, 2:12 PM. Definitely the afternoon.

Lance got up from his bed and stretched his arms upwards, chucking his phone on his bed. Time for some exploring, it's been a while since he'd done that.

He stepped out of his room, and looked to the hall down to his right. There were a few more rooms before a wall. The lights were always on in the hallways, which reminded the paladin of cruise ships a little bit. He remembered a cruise that he went on once. Their parents had finally saved enough to bring him and his immediate family, and he got to have a room to himself.

Okay, maybe it was shared with someone else but his parents' room was down the hall from theirs, so it was like they weren't there most of the time. For a young kid with a rebellious gleam in his eyes, it was heaven.

At night, there was only the peekhole, or 'door viewer' as his cousin corrected him many times, on their door that let light into their room. Other than that, it was always pitch black. Lance remembered how on the first night he was a little scared, but then grew accustomed to the darkness quickly. It was a little different here, where the doors shut out any light at all from the hallway.

"Urgh, no. You came out of your room to distract yourself. Stop thinking about home." he thought, as he shook his head.

Right. Comparing the ship with earth would only make him miss it more. He walked over to the end of the hall, and stopped before the door. This was Blue's hangar. Most lions had rooms beside their hangars, and so the paladins settled in the rooms closest to their lions. It was sometimes a little bothersome to have to walk all the way to the ship's control center when something happened, but it was in the center at least, and not at at end of Lance's opposite side. That was Keith. On his right was Pidge, and on his left was Hunk. Shiro's room was closer to the center hangar, since that was where Black was. Pretty much everything was in the middle, now that he thought about it. The dinning hall, the control center, the big room they received those little aliens and the main training deck was there too. As well as Allura and Coran's rooms.

Since that was where he was most of the time, if not in his room or his wings' training deck, Lance decided that he would explore his own wing a little bit. Starting with the room next to him.

He opened the door and found nothing interesting, same thing with the other one next to it. And the other one too, and the one after that too.

After 4 rooms, it got boring. He even bothered to look in the drawers! There wasn't anything that seemed interesting. Actually, there was nothing at all. All the rooms had a little bit of dust in them, which was nice because Lance was expecting much more, with the castle being ten thousand years old. But the entire castle was clean. As if no one lived in these rooms. Why were they build then?

In the last room before the end of the hall, he found something. Clothes were in the closet, books were on the table and nightstand, and in the drawer were papers that he found himself reading the moment he discovered them. To his surprise, they were all blueprints about his lion. Everything was in Altean so he didn't understand jack but they seemed to describe where certain parts went on his lion. So many schematics were of very complicated screws that he'd only seen the top of on Blue's joints were scattered between walls of Altean. These were probably what helped him become Voltron's leg.

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