MaintenLANCE (3)

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----- *。ヾ(。>v<。)ノ゙*。-----




The girl woke up in a flash, looking at the universe hologram that had suddenly summoned itself in the room. She hurriedly got up and threw her blanket aside, Lance slowly waking the moment she pressed the "dismiss alarm" button.

"What's up?" he asked groggily.

"There's a Kromerran nearby! We have to go get some of its metal!" the girl said, practically jumping into her clothes. "Come on, Lance!"

"Urgh, god, please no. Remember how we almost lost the ship last time?"

"Come on, this metal is half-titanium and half-rune! There's almost nothing like these wonderful creatures!"


You're so lucky I have this gigantic crush on you I swear.

After what seemed like an eternity to her, she grabbed him by the hand and dragged him all the way to the main control room. There they both did the usual route towards Blue and set off for the closest Kromerran.

During the past two months since her awakening, it's happened three times where Lance would be awaken in the middle of the night or disturbed while he was relaxing to go hunting for rare or special metal with her. Not that he hated it, seeing her excited and hearing her talk about what she loved (also he got to learn about new things which wasn't unwelcome when she was teaching him) but it did get a little tiring to always be there for the rock-loving dork.

"After this one, I'm not escorting you unless it'll really be useful." he said with a big yawn, more cranky due to his lack of sleep. He just knew that when he was going to get back on the ship, he wouldn't be able to fall back asleep, and neither would she.

"Okay. Promise I'll tone it down a little bit after this one." she grinned as they approached the planet.

Lance raised his eyebrow at her. "A little bit?"

"Everything is very useful if you know how to use them properly."

"And you know how to use everything?"

"I like to think that I do." she giggled, making him sigh as he looked at the planet they were approaching.

Lance noticed that it looked a little bit like a Balmera from afar and questioned about it.

"You've been to a Balmera already? That's incredible!"

"Is it? I was only there for a short while though."

"A Balmera is a great grand beast that can produce quintessence crystals, while a Kromerran is one that can produce quintenssence-compatible metal. Sure, quintenssence can be found a little everywhere, but the metal from these creatures just have a better, uhm, flow for it?"

"Soooo, Kromerrans are like Balmeras' sisters or something like that?"

"I guess so! That's a very nice way to put it, actually."

----- *。ヾ(。>v<。)ノ゙*。-----

Lance let the lion land on the planet, the two stepping out of the beast with their arms linked. She seemed to know an awful lot about Kromerrans, but she couldn't lie: it was her first time seeing one. And as luck would have it, it was a Kromerran untouched by Galra claws.

It was breathtaking. The creature was stunning upon further exploration, and the caves seemed to all link to the core, that, again, resembled a Balmera's. It was less colorful, since what the creature had to offer was metal but everything still had the same vibe. Mysterious and most definitely alive.

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