MaintenLANCE (2)

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----- *。ヾ(。>v<。)ノ゙*。-----

"So, what's your name, beautiful?" he asked, getting an elbow to the rib from Pidge.

The girl had changed into clothing that princess Allura had on hand (thankfully) but to her distaste, all that she had that would fit her were dresses. This was going to hinder her work, and she didn't want to dirty the princess' clothing. It would take her the rest of her life to be able to buy them back. Not to mention there had been ten thousand years since she was last awake, which means that this was quite the antique piece of fabric too, probably. One of its kind in the entire known universe.

The girl turned the spoon between her fingers, biting her lip a little bit. She glanced sideways, making everyone wonder why she felt so uncomfortable. At first they had thought that it was because she was still recovering from the fact that Zarkon had killed everyone she ever knew, but upon a closer observation it didn't seem like it was just that anymore. Maybe she didn't like her name?

"I... I don't remember my name." she said softly, before taking another bite. It was actually quite off-putting to have six people look at you eat too, but she wasn't going to admit that. Yet.

"Oh, well that's okay." Lance said easily. "Should we make one up on the spot for you then?"

"Don't be dumb, Lance. She does have a name. Remember the letters you found?" Keith said with a condescendingly raised eyebrow.

"Oh right, her name is-- Hey! Don't look at me like that!"

"Like what?" the corner of his mouth lifting to form a smirk.

"Like that!" the brunette shouted back, pointing his "i-am-so-smart-but-i-look-stupid" grin, as he would call it.

"Lance, Keith. Enough." Shiro said, making their mouths close. "You don't remember your name, but we found letters addressed to possibly you by someone named 'Yuira'. Maybe you remember them if not your name?"

"You sure seemed to remember Allura's face. Selective Memory Loss much?" Hunk said, looking at Pidge.

The girl just brought a hand to her chin as she pondered about it. "Maybe. But why would she want to forget about herself?"

"I don't remember who Yuira is either, but the name does... Sound... Familiar." the girl said, putting the spoon down.

"Was he your lover? He seemed to quite like you." Hunk said, before the door opened.

"I got the letters and blueprints!" Coran said as he walked over to the table. He placed the papers in front of the girl and stood at Allura's side, letting the engineer spread the papers in front of her the moment she pushed the half-empty plate of goo away.

She examined them silently, as if trying her best to absorb everything. After a few seconds, she picked up on of the letters written to her. She read the first line aloud, the name seeming to ring a bell but one faraway.

"Is this... My name?" she said, looking up from the paper.

"We assumed that it was. You were the main engineer assigned to the blue lion of Voltron, were you not?" Allura asked, her hands making her seem nervous. She must've been, but if she wasn't, who was she? Why would be frozen along with her and Coran? Why weren't the other main engineers frozen inside the castle with her? Maybe when her memory came back, she could tell the team amazing news such as the four other engineers of the four other lions being frozen somewhere in the castle as well.

That is, if her memory came back.

The girl nod, and then picked up one of the schematics for the complicated screws. She longingly stared at it, waiting for the memories to surge back into her but they didn't.

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