Same Mistakes

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*Ryan’s PoV*

Hello, my name is Ryan James Horan, and I'm 18, making me the oldest of the "Next Generation" as my parents call it. My best friend, Zachary Peter Malik is 17 although he looks older than me. And month younger is Heather Grace Payne. She looks like her mother did, but has blue eyes, which we always found odd, because both of her parents have brown. Anyway, next are the Styles, none identical, twins, who were 16. Darcy Isabella has blond hair, and blue eyes, while Sydney Rose has brown curls, and green eyes. And there's Ethan William Tomlinson, who was 16 too.

Then, there's the little kids; I'm the only one that doesn't have any siblings. Zach has a sister named Melanie, who's 10. Heather has Brianna, 9. Ethan has Chris, 7, and the twins have each other.

We all get along, and are like family. I live with my parents, Uncle Liam, Aunt Annabel, Heather, and Brianna. We call in the Horan/Payne house, which is weird that my name goes first because I'm only there 6 months a year.

I’m rambling; I guess I get that from Dad. Anyway, Things are acting weird in the One Direction family. Things are parents have told us, haven’t lined up. Like, Heather’s blue eyes, or why Mom has 2 large scars on her face. Things are also weird with the second generation. Darcy spends most of her time alone, which is weird because she’s really friendly and outgoing. Come to think of it, so doesn’t Heather. Sometimes I hear her crying late at night, but when I ask, she says it’s nothing.

What’s going here?


I hope you all like my story and look at the picture to your right to see what Ryan looks like

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