Part 15

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*Ryan’s PoV*

I now knew everything. Why Mom had her scars, and why Aunt Kate wore long sleeved shirts. Why Liam protected Annabel more than anyone else. Why Darcy was so quiet. Why Zack would just disappear every so often and not say where. I now knew everything, and it was over whelming.

Kate and Diana took Darcy away to talk about her self-harm problem. Annabel and Liam were taken away by everyone else about keeping Heather’s father a secret. Which just left the Next Generation, minus Darcy.

I was broken from my thoughts by Heather crying in my lap, “My mom… hurt your mom… I wouldn’t blame you, if you hated me now…” I shook my head, pulled her even closer, and kissed her between phrases, “No Princess…. I love you deeply… I’m never gonna hate you for what your mom did…” “Well, that makes one person.” Zack said, coming up to us. “So, Heather… What does it feel like to learn about your mother’s past.” Heather started shaking, and I felt my eyes darken, “Don’t talk to her like that! She has no power over where she came from.” “I can still dislike her, and kick her from the band.” Zack said, “Family members only.” “She is family!” I growled, “She’s been in this family as long as you have.” “No. I am the son of Zayn Malik. She is just a mistake of a criminal.” Heather tore out of my arms and ran to her room. I stood up, “How dare you call my girlfriend that!” Zack stood up straight causing him to be taller than me, “What? I called her what she was. A terrible reminder.”

That made my blood boil, and I tackled Zack and started punching him. Eventually, I was pulled off him by my Father, who looked at me, “What happened?” I tried to take a calm down before responding, “He told Heather she wasn’t a member of the family, because she wasn’t the direct child of a member your band. He called her a mistake, and a reminder of the incident. She ran off crying and I lost it.” Dad and I looked at Uncle Zayn and Zack who were discussing the same thing as us. “I need to see if she’s alright.” I said, walking to Heather’s room.

I didn’t knock, and I walked into her room as she threw a glass vase on the floor. I pulled back as the glass slid towards me, “Heather?” She didn’t respond; she only picked out a glass shard, and put it to her wrist. “Heather, Don’t!” I called, walking carefully to her. She still didn’t answer. I got to her, and the glass met skin.

“Ow…” I cried, as it slide across my forearm. “Oh gosh…” Heather breathed out, “I’m the next generation of attackers…” She started to hyperventilate, and I tried to calm her down, “No. You’re not. It was an accident. It’s just a small cut. It won’t be noticeable. I still love you…” The last one calmed her down, “You do.” I nodded, “I love you until the day I die.” I cupped her face, and kissed her reassuringly. Very gentle and very lovingly.

We were interrupted by the door opening; Liam, Dad, and Zayn all looked in. “What happened in here?” They asked, and I sighed, “Maybe telling us everything wasn’t such a good idea…”

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