Part 21

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*Ryan's PoV*

I took a deep breath, "Heather, when we were little, we talked about growing up and living in a big house together. We got older, and decided that we wanted to have families, so we were decided to drag our spouses and live in the big house, like our parents did."

Heather giggled; we had never told anyone else of this plan. She probably figured I had forgotten it.

I continued, "We talked about how our families would work. My son named Ryan Niall," I glanced at Dad who was touched at my son's chosen name. "And your daughter named Bethany Anne." Her mom had the same expression, and I turned back to Heather, who was covering her mouth with her hands. "We've been friends for 18 years. I've seen you at your best and at your worse. I know everything about you. Recently, I rediscovered my desire to live in that big house with you; I just don't want you to marry someone else." I knelt down, as tears filled my eyes, "I know we're young, and this may seem crazy, but Heather Grace Payne, will you marry me?"

Tears filled her eyes, and she nodded. I slid the ring on her finger, and pulled her in my arms. The crowd went crazy, and Heather held me closely in her arms "Yes..." she said, in my ear, "Yes. I will marry you I love you so much Ryan.." "I love you too, Heather..." I said, and she giggled, pulling away, "How long have you been planning this? We've only been dating for a few days." I smiled, "I asked your dad for your hand on Thursday after you left for school. I wanted to tell you as soon as I picked you up, but chose today. I can't wait to see how you top this for my birthday in a month." She laughed and hit me playfully, as we got off the stage.

*Heather's PoV*

I was gonna marry Ryan, my best friend; I was gonna be Heather Horan. I couldn't stop smiling as everyone started congratulating us on our engagement.

Finally, we were about to slip away. "I hope I can do everything right." I said, "I want to be the perfect wife for you." He tipped my chin, and looked at me with perfect light blue eyes, "Then, be yourself. I love the little girl I grew up with. The confused girl who realized where she came from. I love my princess, and she means the world to me. She is something special..." "We." I corrected him, "We are something special. I love you too." I cupped his face, and kissed him passionately; there was nothing I wanted more from him.

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