Part 2

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*Sydney PoV*

I was sitting on my bed in Darcy and my shared room. It was strange that we were twins because we looked and acted so differently. Darcy looks like Mom’s old pictures, and I look a female version of Dad. She was the social butterfly that was out every other weekend, and I was the introvert that would rather read a good book, and fangirl over bands.

Ironic, I know.

I listen to CDs of my Dad’s old band. They were awesome, and I’d probably be a fangirl of them too, if I was born 20 years earlier.

I heard a knock on the door, and I said, “Come in.” Darcy peaked in the doorway, “Hey, Syd. What are you doing?” “Studying.” I replied, looking back at my books. “Oh…” she said, “Can you do that somewhere else?” I looked up at her, “This is my room too. Plus, It’s the quietest room.” “Then, never mind.” she said, walking to her dresser. “What are you doing?” I asked, still watching her. “I just need to grab something, and I’ll be out of your hair.” she replied, opening a drawer. I shrugged and looked back down.

Darcy had been acting strange, but then again, so did I. She grabbed whatever she was looking for, and left the room.

Now, for some peace and quiet.

*Darcy’s PoV*

I got in and out without Sydney seeing it. I walked in the bathroom, and locked the door, before examining the scars on my wrist. I had one really stupid week, and now I had scars, and a bad habit, to prove it. I readied my blade, and cut two more scars, making 12 in all. As I started washing my scars and put my shirt back on, I heard a knock on the door. “Yes?” I asked, fixing my blonde hair. “It’s Ethan.” a reply came. I opened the door and smiled at him, hoping the smell of blood wasn’t evident. It wasn’t and he walked in without a second thought. I sighed; I wished it wasn’t this way.

I wished I wasn’t that way.

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