Part 4

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*Ryan’s PoV*

I couldn’t believe it; what do you say when your friend tells you she’s pregnant?

“You need to tell your parents.” I said, standing up, but Heather shook her head, “Please don’t.” I looked back at her, “Heather, your boyfriend may have gotten you pregnant. You have to tell them.” “You know my dad. He’ll hate me if I am.” she said. “No, he won’t.” I said, “He loves you, and only wants the best for you. That’s why you have to tell him.” She hung her head, “Ok… After we go to the Hospital.” I nodded, “We’ll go right now.” I grabbed my keys, and ran out to my car. I had gotten my Dad’s old Tesla Model S for my birthday. Heather got in the passenger seat, and we started to pull out. Just then, her parents pulled in. “Where are you doing?” Uncle Liam asked. I sighed, “I have to take her somewhere. I promise to keep her safe.” They nodded, and I drove out.

I kept my eyes on road, except for a few glances at Heather, who was starting to cry again. “I’m sorry Heather.” I said, “I should have gotten to know him. Heck, I should have at least met him.” She shook her head, “It’s not your fault. It’s not your job to check on my boyfriends.” “No…” I said, “But, I’m your best friend. I should be able to help you.” “You have.” she replied, “You’ve me helped so many times. Do you remember my break up?” I nodded.

*2 Years Before*

I was awoken by someone knocking on the door. My eyes slowly opened an I looked at my clock; 3:07AM. I ran my hands through my hair, and the knocking continued. I tiredly walked to the door, and saw Heather standing there. The moonlight poured in the window, showing her tear-stained face, “Can…Can I…Come in?” I nodded, and she followed me in. I closed the door, and saw her sitting on my bed, holding in the rest on her tears. “What happened?” I asked, and she pouted, “Terry dumped me. Over text…” She started to cry again, and I sat beside her, “Oh, Heather…” She cuddled into me, and soaked my shirt with tears.

Terry was her first boyfriend; her first heart-break.

After a few seconds, she looked up at me, “Can I sleep in your bed tonight? I just really don’t want to be alone. Sorry, that’s a dumb question…” She started to walk away, but I grabbed her arm, “It’s not dumb at all.” I pulled her to my bed, and covered her with my sheets. I started to squirm out, to make a bed on the floor, but Heather grabbed my hand, “Please stay.” I nodded, and rested my arm around her waist. She started whimpering, and I sang quietly to her, until she fell asleep.

*Present Day*

We pulled into the hospital, and Heather grabbed my hand. We always held hands in a friendship sort of way. I looked at her and smiled, “Everything will be ok…”

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