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"Thirty-four B." Rayan greeted the man with a smirk, watching as Elijah carefully entered his apartment. He seemed to be engaging in a card game with someone. It was the boy that Elijah saw walking with Melian— his cotton candy colored hair matched the girl's. He was too into the game to spare the man a glance. Elijah didn't mind though, he was too busy looking at Rayan.

"Elijah." He corrected, earning a chuckle in return.

"This is the guy I was tellin' you about." Rayan nudged the pink haired man, and finally he looked up. His eyes immediately looked over Elijah, a grin growing on his face. He chuckled, nodding towards the man and giving Rayan a dap.

"What'd you say about me?" Elijah asked curiously. Melian laughed, patting his shoulder.

"Chill." She smiled. "We ain't gonna bite." She remarked, noticing how on edge the poor man seemed to be. Elijah frowned—he did have a right to be anxious. He was in a stranger's home after all.

"I said you were cute." Ray admitted, shrugging as if the statement wasn't really a big deal. It was to Elijah though—the man felt his cheek's burn at the statement.

"Aw, he's blushing." Melian snickered.

"He's aight." The pink haired man shrugged. Rayan rolled his eyes as they proceeded with their game of Spades.

"I'm Jon." The man finally said after a few moments of silence.

"I'm Elij-"

"We know." Rayan chuckled. Elijah nearly scoffed. He hated being interrupted.

"So...What did you guys want?" Elijah was now looming awkwardly near the table as Melian joined the boys. Rayan stood up, moving closer to Elijah. He toward over him a bit—being a few inches taller than Elijah's 6'1 stature..

"I wanted you to come have fun with us." He chuckled. "Is that a big deal?" Elijah's heart nearly skipped a beat as he watched Rayan lick his lips, his tongue carefully gliding over the hoop.

"No. Not at all." He smiled nervously.

"Ray and Eli." Melian hummed. "Rayli." She laughed.

"I ship it." Jon shrugged. Rayan turned around and laughed whilst Elijah stood awkwardly. Usually when someone said something like that, they'd get a 'shut up.' or a 'no.' but Rayan simply laughed.

"So let's talk." Ray smiled, guiding Elijah to his red leather couch, making sure to be out of ear shot and away from his friends. The piece of furniture stood out the most in the small apartment, almost the same size as Elijah's. The man's walls were white and everything else was black.


"What made you move out here and how old are you?" The long haired man asked, initiating the small conversation.

"Well, I wanted a new place to stay but turns out, it wasn't what I thought it would be—and I'm twenty-three."

"Same here and it's always like that."

"How so?"

"Not everything is what it seems." Rayan shrugged. "So how's your friend, Jacob?" He laughed at his own teasing. Rayan thought the man was too nice.

"He's not my friend." Elijah shook his head, an amused smile on his face.

"You two have have yearlong conversations like y'all are." He continued. "Every time I'm walking to the mailbox, y'all are talking."

"He talks to me, even when I don't want him to."

"Tell him to fuck off."

"I could never do that." Elijah shook his head.

"If I can do it, you can do it. And I do it all the time."

"But that's mean."

"Sometimes you have to be mean to get what you want."

I liked pink haired Jon. Whoops.

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