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After his encounter with Rayan, he couldn't take it anymore. Elijah went to see Tessa. "I don't know what to do," He admitted. His eyes glanced over at his sister who'd been giving him a questionable look—she stood in her kitchen, stirring a bowl of oatmeal for Jasper. The child was fast asleep but she decided against having him whine for food as soon as he woke up.

"You're so stupid." She grimaced, continuing to stir. Her eyebrows were knitted together in frustration before she glanced back over at him, eyeing his dirty pajama set. He'd stayed the night after a few days of wallowing alone and she was beginning to wonder why he'd come over. She'd warned him numerous times so it wasn't much for her to say anymore.

"What?" Elijah peeled his eyes away from the window and raised his eyebrow at the woman.

"I fucking warned you, Eli," She snapped, setting the bowl in the microwave. She walked over in the den, her hands resting on her hips and she stared down at her younger sibling. "I told you to avoid Michael if you knew what was good for you and Rayan but you didn't fucking listen. So what more do you want me to say?" She chuckled in disbelief. "You look pitiful right now."

"I'm not pitiful."

"Yeah, you kinda are." She shook her head, gesturing towards his attire. She pinched the bridge of her nose before smoothening her bonnet—the woman was still in her sleepwear and sported a robe, bonnet and slippers. Tessa was clearly not a morning person. "You're my brother and I love you but you made a terrible mistake. You need to fucking fix it; I don't know what to tell you."

"Are you even on my side?" Elijah snapped.

"Why would I be on your side? You're wrong, Elijah," She huffed, not believing the man's words. "You cheated on a good man; granted, he was a little rough around the edges but he meant well."

"I said sorry, I begged, I got down on my knees. I don't know what more to do; he's not letting up. Not that I blame him but-just-Jesus Christ, Tessa!"

"You of all people should know sorry doesn't mean shit."

"It was just so much going on with Mike and–"

"You absolutely cannot blame this on anyone but yourself. It's not Mike's fault; you lead the poor man on." Tessa added. "You've been babied so damn much that you can't even hold yourself accountable, Elijah. What do you want? You want me to tell you that what you did wasn't wrong? Do you want me to tell you that Ray's being an idiot for not forgiving you the first time you fucking apologized? Because I'm not. I'm not your mom."

"Is that what this is about?" Elijah snapped, laughing in pure disbelief—he focused his attention on Tessa who looked angry enough to spit fire. "You and mom's terrible fucking relationship? That doesn't have shit to do with me, Tessa! That's between you, mom and your fucking dad. Get over it." His words were harsh and full of emotion. He was fed up with the criticism.

"No, actually, it's not about that," She sat in-front of him. "But now that you've brought it up, I never got a formal apology from you for throwing Jasper and I in the middle of that woman's psychotic episode."

"Tessa, I don't have time for your mommy issues!"

"I'll let that slide because you're emotional," She warned him, her finger aimed at him. "But, do you know how long it took me to stop picking at my own wounds and blaming myself for not healing others?" Elijah paused. "Exactly. Work on yourself, Elijah. You're on a fucking war path right now because you've been mom's crutch for so long that it's like you've been coming undone since you left her."

"You don't understand," He exhaled, dropping his head into his hands. "This shit is so hard."

"I think you need to reflect," Tessa suggested. "alone." She added, staring at him for a moment. "I think you should go."

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