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"Wait, don't let me go." Elijah shrieked, his legs wrapped around Rayan's waist. He was shocked to see Rayan's idea of a date was inviting him to a cook out/pool party—Rayan explained that it kinda wasn't a date but since Elijah was his date, it meant that they were on a date. They'd been invited to a gathering that his job was hosting.

Rayan couldn't help but smile as Elijah interacted with his spunky colleagues, watching afar as the man widened his eyes when they began to show off their various tattoos and piercings. He nearly cried for help when they continued to offer up free tattoos—Rayan had to snatch him away from the needy crowd. They seemed to be eyeing him like an empty canvas when they found out about his one tattoo.

"Who the fuck doesn't know how to swim?" Ray sighed, nearly drowning himself. Jon was there too but Melian didn't bother to come—she didn't work at the shop.

Instead of getting in the water, Jon settled for being the DJ—he started to play 'One More Love Song' by Mac Demarco, aware of the significance it held to Ray and Elijah. Ray glanced over at his friend, mirroring the grin he flashed the two. Elijah began to relax in the man's arms and shared a kiss with him. "Okay, I'm putting you down." He grabbed at Elijah's legs, attempting to pry them from around his waist. Elijah had them locked around the man.

"Please don't."

"This was a bad idea." Ray chuckled, nearing the edge of the pool. He took out his hearing aid and scooted them further away; he feared they would get damaged by the water or someone who was clumsy enough to step on them...that someone being Elijah, of course. Being able to hear was extremely expensive. "Elijah, I feel like if we're nearly the same height, you can stand up in the goddamn water."

"Sometimes I wouldn't mind putting my height to use and smacking the shit out of you." Elijah glared. "Plus these pool pool labels be lying."


"Jacob?" Chresanto stepped into the kitchen—he'd just woken up so he squinted, trying to determine who's head of hair he was looking at.

"Wrong twin, pal." Joshua looked up, crunching  on a large bowl of cereal. "Jake's asleep."

"Oh," Chres sat in front of the boy, clearing his throat. "I actually wanted to talk to you, honestly. He watched as Josh raised an eyebrow at this—he pushed the cereal box away from his face to get a good luck at him.


"I think you guys should look into going back to school." He said, watching at the twin scoffed, pushing the bowl away from him. Chres groaned in annoyance, already growing impatient with the boy's attitude. This behavior was making him seem more like a father and less of a roommate/boyfriend.

"So our parents can find us? Literally what sense does that make?" Joshua snapped, his appetite long gone at the thought of such a thing.

"At least get some work or something. You guys are seventeen for Christ's sake and it's not healthy to be confined to this building—I'm only saying this because you're the more reasonable twin, seeing as though Jacob wouldn't understand where i'm coming from." He further explained. Joshua frowned, annoyed that he actually did understand where the man was coming from.

"Sure, crescendo."

"It's Chresanto."

"Whatever, croissant."

I'm doing this because I love you guys.

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