Heaven to Hell

489 28 16

The last three months have legitimately been the best months of my life. When I got home from Los Angeles, Stevie had all of my stuff moved in and she's even letting me turn the guest house into a studio. I wake up next to the love of my life every day and thank God that I'm getting this chance with her. To be honest, with how happy we've been it's really gotten the creative juices flowing and I've got so much material for a new album and Mick and I have really been working on Stevie to see if we could get a Fleetwood Mac tour together. She's slightly hesitant, but I can see her resistance breaking. My girl is a performer and I know she misses it. 

I'm going to LA tomorrow for a bit of time to start looking for some session players and see if I can get an album started. I'm dying for Stevie to return with me, but she has visitors right now and then Bella and Jess are headed back to school. The thought of being away from the three of them tears me apart, but I'm looking forward to seeing Kyle, Anna, and Alexis. Stevie's promised to visit, but I can tell that she's very insecure about me being so far from her, so tonight, I'm taking her out on a dinner cruise and I'm going to try to make our relationship a little more set in stone. I'm fairly certain that she'll accept, but part of me is a little worried that I'm doing all of this a little fast and she'll panic. I'm trying to steel myself for either outcome. 

She comes out, not even late at 6:00 and she look absolutely gorgeous in a turquoise sundress. I'm not certain I've ever seen her wear turquoise, but she looks exquisite. 

"Wow, baby," I say, "You take my breath away." I pull her into my arms and press a kiss on her forehead while she blushes. 

"Thank you, Lindsey. What exactly do you have planned for this evening?" she asks and has a mischievous glint in her eyes. I can imagine what she's thinking and it's hard for me to even want to leave the house right now, but I know that things can only get better from here. 

"Come on, Stevie, we have to be at the dock by 6:30." I tell her, pulling her to the door, while she struggles to grab a large hat as she's exiting the door. 

"Linds, you didn't tell me I was going to be exposed. I'm not wearing any sunscreen." she sighs and I squeeze her hand to reassure her. 

I get her situated in the car and we head out, she tries to make conversation with me for a few minutes, but I'm so nervous about tonight that I'm not much for conversation and she eventually gives up and turns on the radio and sings along. I watch her from the corner of my eye and the sun radiating off of her hair makes her look like she has a halo and I smile to myself. She is so perfect. 

The time seems to be slipping away and before I know it we're halfway through our meal and the sun is setting and I know that the time is now. I close my eyes and take a deep breath and calm myself. I grab Stevie's hand and smile at her. 

"Hey baby, can I talk to you for just a minute?" I ask and she nods her head. 

"Stevie, you know I love you more than anything. I know I've made a lot of mistakes, but I'm not that same person any more. I am so in awe of the fact that you are the mother of my children and that you love me, because I know I don't deserve it. My life is truly incomplete without you and I don't want to leave to work on this album until I know that you are going to be my wife. So, Stevie, please, will you make me the happier than I've ever been and say yes to being my wife?" I ask and pull out the ring I've carefully selected for her and watch her eyes fill with tears and she nods furiously.

"Yes, I'll marry you Lindsey." she says tearfully and I slide the ring onto her finger. She pulls back to admire it for a moment and then launches herself into my arms, kissing me furiously, her lips beginning to move down my neck. I feel her hands start to move down to my waistband and know where this headed. I pull back and shake my head and she looks very confused. I don't usually pull away from her. 

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