needing You

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Justin bieber'spov
  I woke up to Jena sleeping on the floor she goes by Jay . As Im checking the time I noticed my nails were hot pink man I'm going kill her I swear matter fact I have a better idea she was wearing my sweatshirt and boxers Calvin Klein ones at the most I creep next to her quietly take the blanket off her slowly she turned over that shit scared me picking her up phaseone of my plan I took off her jacket leaving  Jay in her bra a very sexy one I amen to  I set my other phone to record from across the bed and got back under the covers with Jay on my chest Jay slowly started to wake I closed my eyes to fake sleep I hear her whisper what the hell I started full laughing I had fun with you last night kiss her forehead. She started blushing what the heck did she like me or something nahh we just friends matter fact she's like my sister
   ( Conversation with Jay &JB)
    J : what happened last night?
    JB: don't act like you don't remember throwing my slick smile .
  J :I unary I don't
  JB: mmmm
   J : tell me every deed tell need to know like how you pick me off the and took my jacket off
JB: how did you know??!
  J: nigga I was awake the whole time
JB: it was supposed to be a prank so I put you on my chest for nothing laughing
J: blushing really bad it wasn't for nothing
JB: she's by bestfriend since diapers Idk I just leaned in started to kiss her surprisingly she kissed back
J: first it felt weird then it started to feel nice.
JB: our lips fit perfectly together I slipped my hands in to her bra
J: omg he put his hands in my bra I was going to show him I was not a baby so I slipped my hands in to the front on his pants
JB: I nipple that the bottom of her lip asking her permission to enter she gladly accepted out of nowhere her phone started ringing the lyrics came flowing

     Watch me switch lanes arms out the window saying money ain't a thing watch me switch lanes 
It was her brother calling her that's his ringtone for Tyga
   ( Phone conversation with Tyga and Jay ,TY &Jy)
Jy: wat up
TY: what do you what's up I have been calling you for the last hour
Jy: shit I'm sorry
Justin throws a pillow at Jay watch your mouth
TY: watch your mouth before i beat it
Jy: what do you want calling my phone cussing me out
TY: sorry Chris yellow crayon ass left me at the strip club last night can you come me
Jy: let me get dressed & I'm on my way
  Justin I need to go help TY text me later
Justin: mumble okay whatever
Went in my gym bag throw on my last kings tee some boobty cut shorts long black socks that match the tee and a pair of all black '2016 Jays with a gold Rolex grabbed my iPhone6s plus ty brought for me a birthday present as I head out to my pink Lamborghini I called ty started up the car  ( phone conversation)
Jy: ight nigga I'm on my way
Ty: took you long enough
Jy : bitch nigga
Ty:at least I don't have hairly feet
Jy: nigga you know I don't
I hung up on his ass as soon as I pulled up a strip club I ran (pause) the relationships rn are ty & Jy are twins ty is older my a day ty was born at 11:59 and Jy was born at 12:00 am the next day technically ty and blac chyna maybe together now(unpause) I was blasting blessed by big Sean my crush. As I walked inside everyone was yelling my name bitch that I run shit around here
I see ty seating in the center console with blac chyna on lap asleep shit I forgot to pick up blac chyna my other Best friend
Will blac chyna be mad that she forgot?
Will Justin tell Jay that he likes her or was he playing with her emotions?
Will Tyga beat up Justin for kissing his lil sister?

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