its time

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Blac chyna's pov
It was time for the baby to come Tyga was holding my hand I started yelling out in pain TYGA WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME?I HATE YOU. he kissed my head its time for you to push the doctor came in the saying 1....2...3it felt like I was about to poop my self the doctor said you are ready now on the count of three 1......I screamed hella loud 2......I was crying "why are you crying?" Tyga ask I have a freakin human bean coming out my vagina everyone started to laugh....3 the doctor I see the head one more little push ,little push my ass I want to you come up here and push a baby out of you in between that I pushed it's a boy what's his name?the doctor asked as he handed me my baby king Stevenson.

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