The big No for Him

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Kylie and Jay plus young money crew are at a party Jay is throwing at her strip club called breezy love. I keep seeing Chris give my Lil sister the eye , some people would think that I wouldn't care because were best friends but its not like that Jay my twin. Looking at Chris on the Dance floor with Jay (chris's song fuck you back to sleep came on) she was tweaking on his dick, my fist holding tight Drake seen me tried to grab me but was to slow (walked quickly through Chris) I punched him straight in jaw you could hear the pop (conversation with action_below)
  Chris:what the fuck man?(trying to get up off the floor)
  Jay:(standing there in shock ,the music has stopped playing people were crowding around them)
  Tyga:how could you do me like that?( yelling while getting on top of chris repeatedly punching him in the face)
Chris:what are you talking about?(he yell blocking half of the punches throwing some of his own)
  Jay: Tyga Stevenson get off of him( grabbing him off of chris ) leave him alone
   Tyga:(in the middle of jay pulling him off Chris he punched jay in the face like four time then slapped her) That should teach you not to be a hoe jay ( giving her a pissed off glare , by that time everyone was out of the strip club)
  Jay:"That should teach you not to be a hoe"( I looked at him like he had three head this nigga really just hit me everyone was quite their was fear in their eyes) I grab my face and took off running
  Tyga: looks down at his hand " what the fuck did I just do?.......
  Kylie: Tyga why did you beat up Chris?( she asked with fear in her eyes)
Tyga: "he was dating my sister"
Kylie: didn't he just get what's her face pregnant?
Tyga: Ya that's what I'm saying but  fuck I just hit my own sister
Kylie: kissed him go find her smacked me on my ass.
I took off out the door to see her drive away with August wtf?..
  Just as I was arrived people were running out the club ,Jay came running towards my car I opened my door to see her face with red hand prints on them I pull her in to my car
Driver: Are we leaving?
August: yes please step on it fast
Driver:Yes sir
(conversation with August and jay)
August: Baby what the hell happened to your face?
   Jay: Tyga Did
   August: Um as in your twin brother (he asked as he pull her face to his)
Jay: Yes (she said as she cryed ) Then she pulled her face to mine and kissed me , I had to kiss her back it would be rude wouldn't it?.( deep down in side I'm in love with her and she doesn't know).
Finely a bad bitch had a POV so me and rob are expecting alittle one soon.
Tyga just freakin beat the shit out his sister in front of everyone, when he gets that mad and hits people what if one Day he hit me ?
Pulling out my phone calling August but getting no answer.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2016 ⏰

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