truth & love or Family

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I'm sitting here thinking about Jay I know it's wrong to do that I have a bad bitch named Kylie but Jay is even badder if that's a word I knows she's just dating big sean to make me mad that I can't have her . Ky walked in the room Snapchating everything about her lipkit and shit. Out of nowhere there was pouching at My door Tyga shouting knock knock before a nigga get shot said while walking in the room with his getto ass I happen to look up at Kylie when T walked in she pushed up her boobies fixed hers clothes Im sitting here shocked as fuck either she fucked him or she's In love with which is messed up because him and blac chyna just had king .Kylie stood up and began to talk to the gang ( Tyga , blac chyna, Rob k, me,jay,bigsean,kim,kanye) I wanted to talk to you about something.... She stumbled and mumble as she started talking......
I wanted to know how you feel about be Tyga I stumbled out the words from my mouth everyone looked stunned from what I asked blac chyna look at me funny Tyga I...lo...Ve...y..o..u I stretched out jay & big sean both ask weren't I dating Chris before i could answer them Chris spoke up No all she thinks about is T raww over here pointing at Tyga we started laughing. Tyga stood I'm in love with you to Kylie I just didn't know if you like me back ? What about chyna ? I asked she spoke up me never really dated ya we had king to together I actually be dating someone perfect for me she said while smiling over at Rob my older half brother slow this down a second everyone looked up at me your telling me this whole time you were dating my brother. She smiled deeper than I ever seen before then went and sat by Rob I went and sat by Tyga.
Since we getting things off are chest Jay we need to break up her eyes got teary everyone was looking me Tyga : may I ask why? He asked me while glaring at me ok this may sound stupid or selfish but I really want to have a younger us running around Tyga: really? Ya I love babysitting king for you he's like a younger version of you and chyna. Jay : I want to have a baby with you but I don't want to turn out a terrible mom to him or her . Bigsean (me) : it doesn't matter we will be good or bad parents together. Chris got up and ran out the room slamming the door . Tyga I think its time for you to leave now he told me I got up I was about to leave but I turned to Jay I will have all my stuff out before you get back without anything else being said I turned around and left .
As soon as the door shut I was balling my eyes out Tyga; Jay its ok he wasn't right for u in a way
Jay ( me) : I'm not ok I will never be fine , he got up to patted my back I shot away from he don't touch me Tyga; I only trying to help I will right back he turned around and walked out the door Chris left through. I never cried over a guy before Sean was crush.
I know the only person who could help Jay right now is Chris because they were both low key feelin' each other
Tyga (me) : Chris
Chris: what( he turned his face around it was all teared eyed )
Tyga(me): don't make me regret this
Chris: regret what?
Tyga(me): I know you like my sister
Tyga: your My bestfriend she's my twin I know everything shes down stairs crying your the only one she will listen to
Chris : get sean to do it
Tyga(me): nigga get your ass down there and quit Tripping the fight they had was fucked up but they broke up
Chris: ( looked at Tyga and grind) I'm on my way down
I walked back stairs everyone it's time to go me Kylie left together and chyna , Rob left together , kim and Kanye left together . We all left leaving Jay and Chris together.

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