Dick Grayson/Nightwing X reader

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Your pov:

I lay in my bed, waiting for Bruce to return from one of his many night time jobs. After all, he is the Batman. Tonight however he was taking longer than he normally did. It was probably thanks to the Joker that he was out as long as he was tonight. Which ment that I couldn't talk about the vision I had just had. I sighed and got out of bed and put one of my large button up white shirts on before walking out of my room, through the many halls to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and opened the freezer door on the bottom to get the (f/ic/f) <favorite ice cream flavor>. I grabbed a bowl and spoon and scooped out 3 large servings. I put the ice cream away and took my bowl and spoon to the fireplace. Sitting on the leather couch, spoon feeding myself I whatch the flames. Time passed and the ice cream was gone so I sat it down on the coffee table. I pulled my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around my legs, resting my chin in between my knees. "Ms. Morgan?" I jump at Alfred's voice. "Yes Alfred?" "Are you all right ma'am?" I nod and look back at the flames, "just anouther long night Alfred." "I can get master Greyson to keep you company if you'd like. He has just returned home." Alfred says walking up and taking the empty bowl. "I shrugged,"I don't want to bother him, but if he would like to...." I trail off. Ill admit, I liked Dick more then as a friend. Like I love him as a lover would. Alfred seems to understand, for he walks off to the kitchen then back out towards the garage. I close my eyes and bury my head in my knees. The fire was relaxing, but the vision I had awoken from just wouldn't let me fall asleep again. I was to awake for that. "(Y/n)?" I jump again only this time letting out a soft yelp. I clutch my breast with my hand and bury my head in my knees hiding a blush of embarrassment. "Hey Dick....."I say, my voice muffled slightly. "Hey, Alfred said you needed company. Is everything alright?" He asks. I feel the couch dip as his body settles next to mine. "If you don't mind." I say lifting my head slightly. "Not at all. And you didn't answer my question..." He says. I can feel the heat passing between our bodies, warmer than the comforting fire before the both of us. I raise my head all the way and turn my face to his, only to find it really REALLY close to mine. "Uhh...W-well, y-you know I have the ability to s-see t-the future threw v-visions right?" He nodded, his eyes looking down from my eyes to look at my lips. I swallow and continue, "Well....I had one when I was dreaming. You, Bruce, and everyone on the planet died. Then I had another vision, it was blurred and still is a bit fuzzy when I look back at it. Like a side future, like it might transpire. If it does then the current vision I had will be avoided." I rambled out staring at his eyes. "And what might transpire?" He asks tilting his head slightly. A blush forms on my face and I give a nervous cough, "you....and me. We set things into motion where we are able to use teamwork and my abilities to prevent the doom of everyone from happening." "is that all, or do we need to do something or become something to be able to set it into motion?" I blushed deeper. "I-I can show y-you b-better than I can t-tell you....." I say blushing even redder. Dick nods softly whatching me closely. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and situated myself so I was on my knees facing him. I grabbed his shoulders gently and pushed his back to the couch. I got on top of him, straddling his waist, before letting my hands go up his arms, up his chest, to around his neck. Leaning forward, still whatching his face, I let my lips meet his.

Dick's pov:

My arms wrap around her waist, pulling (y/n) to me. She fits snugly against me. She starts pulling away from me but I pull her even closer and kiss her back with as much passion as I can. It startles her, making her shift to kiss me back. Her womanhood rubs against my member making me moan into the kiss. I trace her lips with my tongue and she opens her mouth to me. Our tounges twine together making my head become light. My hands held her hips gently now, I would thrust my hips up making her gasp and moan into my mouth. Gently, I layed her down on the couch and I settled between her legs.

Your pov:

My heart was racing now, body aching with so much disire I shivered slightly. He ground his hardend member against my womanhood making me moan softly. "Do you want to do this?" Dick asked me softly, kissing my neck and up my jaw to my lips. "Yes..." I say in between his kisses. He lifted me up against him and ran up the stairs to his room. He layed me down on his soft bed then. He backed away from me and took off his shirt and threw it away from me. He undid his jeans and his belt before coming back over to me and gently began pulling up my shirt. I sat up and pulled it off, showing Dick my nude chest, before I pulled my pajama shorts off, leaving me in my lace undies. His hands trace over my breasts before he leaned down and took one of the rosey buds in his mouth. I moaned softly and felt him leave a wet trail of kisses to the other before he sat up and settled in between my legs with his face near my aching womanhood. He hooked his fingers in the material of my undies and pulled them off of me. His right pointer finger traced down my slick folds and slowly pushed it into me. I closed my eyes tightly against the pleasure I was feeling. He lowered his head and sucked on my clit gently, making me writh under him. "Ohhh...my....uhhhh" I moan and see him stand up, pulling hours pants down with his boxers. His member was freed and seemed to make the air much more hotter. I sat up and wrapped a hand around his thick length. My tongue traced his tip and I sucked it gently making him moan. "I need you (y/n).." Dick groaned as I bounced my head up and down on his member. I pulled back and layed down for him. He got on top of me and kissed me hotly before rubbing my entrance with his member and pushing into me. I hissed at the slight pain and felt his hand rubbing my stomache, waiting for me to adjust. After a moment I nodded and rolled my hips making him groan and pull out before starting to move. His thrusts started soft and got harder and faster. Our skin made louder noises and our moans joined the lustful music. I felt a knot form in my stomach and Dick flipped us over and began thrusting up to meet my hips. "Ohhh Dick!!!" I almost yell as I release all over him. Dick's thrusts slowed and sped up again before he pulled out and cane on our stomachs. He flipped us over and got up to get a Kleenex. After we were cleaned he layed down next to me under the blankets. Spooning me, he joined our hands and kissed me softly on the forehead before speaking. "I have wanted to do that for so long with you." He spoke up finally. "Really? Me too..." "*chuckles* Now can we maybe date?" I laughed "Yes we can." I say quietly "good cuz I don't want to share you with anyone."

The end!

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