Jarvis Tetch x reader (gotham)

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Your pov:

"Cheshire...." I hear from the stairs of my apartment. I looked up and smiled my famous grin before standing up and making my way to my drunken friend. "Hatter... What brings you here on this fine night. I thought you were looking for...Alice." I say her name, oh how I hate that name. I dispise it. Alice herself was a good friend of mine. But Hatter's recent obsession with her had made me, well not quite my mischevios self.

For I loved Jarvis, cared for him, patched up his wounds, I even helped him look for Alice. But alas, he will never feel the same way. Jarvis stumbled and almost fell on the floor had I not stepped in front of him, my arms wrapping around his waist and practically dragging him into the room. "Jarvis.." I sing-songed, hoping he hadn't passed out yet. "Stay with me old friend." I said softer as I pulled him onto my dark purple couch and layed his head in my lap. My fingers running through his hair, removing the tangles with absolute care. "Cheshire? I hurt..." he said, his hands making their way up to find mine.  "I have something for the pain old friend. Just stay here and I'll get it for you." I say before attempting to stand up.  His hands grasped mine tightly, stopping me. "You won't leave me will you?" He asked,  his eyes wide with fright. I smiled softly, "never old friend. I just need to go into that room...grab the pain reliever and make you some tea or prahaps a smoothie." I said before standing up fully and walking away. I made tea and had begun to make a smoothie when I heard my name being called.


I walked back into the room to find hatter standing up. "Yes Hatter?" I say as I enter. He looked up at me, shaking his head and walking over to me. "Can I be with you....tonight?" He questioned almost as if he were afraid someone was listening. "Of course.... now come tea is ready." I said grabbing his hand and pretending I didn't feel my heart do little flips. I led him into the kitchen and sat him in a chair. I poured him his tea and gave him 2 sugars and some cream before stirring it gently and tapping the spoon in the side of the glass before placing the spoon in my mouth. It was a casual gesture, one I did often. It was something I noticed some women did to attract their love interests attention. For me I did this as a normal thing. The spoon made a popping sound when I pulled it from my mouth to set it inside the sink. I turned and was greated by a muscular chest. "Hatter!" I exclaimed before clutching my chest. "By the toadstools you scared me." I chuckled at this, normally I do not scare easily. Prahaps it was that look in Jarvis's eyes that had my heart beating a mile a minute. I smiled at him before attempting to get around him. "Your tea dear Hatter will be cold....." I said looking over my shoulder to see that it was empty. "My you drank that fast...." I said quietly before looking at him. "You don't have to be so frightened... (y/n).." he said smiling. My eyes widened.

"Are you alright Jarvis? Normally you never call me by my-"

I never got to finish my sentence. For Jarvis's lips had just met mine. My eyes were wide in suprise before I closed them and let my arms wrap around his neck. Our lips melted together like butter in a pan. His tounge gently brushing past my lips like a snake before slithering into its warm den. Our tongues twining together.

He pulled back and rested his head on mine. "I'm sorry (y/n)...." he said softly before pulling back,  or well....trying to. "For what Jarvis?" I asked, my arms pulling him closer to my body.
"Not trying this sooner..." he mumbled,  his lips leaving opened mouth kisses down my neck. A soft moan of suprise left my mouth as he sucked and nipped at the junction of my neck. His hands pushing up the fabric of my shirt, his fingers tracing there way up my exposed flesh as hos lips met mine once more. His kisses softer than before now as he pulled away and smiled at me. "I would also like to apologize for not considering your feelings, and what we both wanted....I apologize for not giving you the attention you deserve....may I?" He asked tugging the shirt up a bit more.

I nodded softly before letting him take off my shirt and throw it behind him. His hands now gently tracing the outside of my bra before gently leaning diwn and kissing my neck as he removed the bra.

The object giving a soft noise as it landed on the ground.

Jarvis's hands now cupping my breasts, his lips kissing their way down to them. "J-Jarvis..." I stuttered as he took one bud into his mouth.  His eyes whatching me as my head fell back fir a moment. His tounge swirling around the nipple before he sucked on it gently. He switched to the other before pulling back.  "(Y/n)... We don't have to do this if you don't-" he started.  I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him hard against me, my lips meeting his, cutting off his sentence. My hands pushing off his jacket and pulling at his shirt. Jarvis pulled back and finished unbuttoning his top before pulling me back to him. My hands grasping his shirt as he lifted me up and sat me on the counter. I pushed his shirt off of his shoulders and let my hands run over his muscles before parting from his lips and pulled the belt from his pants. "Bedroom?" I asked him.  He smiled before pulling me into his arms,  carrying me to my room before closing the door and laying me on the bed.

His lips pressing against mine again as he pulled my shorts off before standing up and doing the same to himself. He moved quickly, stumbling before he got to the bed where he settled between my legs. His lips tracing over my jaw and up to my lips as his hips settled between my legs. "May I?" He almost pleaded, his member tracing up and down my wet slit. "Ye-" I began but stopped to gasp as I felt him slide in. My mouth widened at the feeling of him and my head fell back as I let out a soft moan. He echoed it as he pulled back to repeat what he had done, trying his best to elicit the same noise over again.  When anouther moan fell from my mouth I felt him shudder against me in pleasure before pulling back and pushing his hips against mine faster, a bit more forceful. 

I moaned a bit louder and pushed my hips up towards his. "Oh my go-" I moaned again as he pushed harder, the bed board smacking against the wall. Then with a mischevios smile I pushed him off of me and then pushed him down to the mattress. I moved quickly, settling myself over his member, straddling his waist and smiling at him. He raised his brows in suprise. I began to chuckle before leaning into him and kissing his jaw then his neck, then up to his ear before whispering, "May I?" In a seductive tone in my voice.  His body shuddered against mine again, his breathing became more labored.

I sunk down on him before he could answer and moaned at being filled again.  "You little minx..." he moaned as I took his hands and pinned them above his head on the bed board. My hips moved faster up and down on his length.  "Please..." he cried as I pushed myself down harder. My eyes snapped open and met his.  "Please what?" I asked slowing my pace. " Please I want to...." he started again, I slowed down even more. "What was that?  I couldn't hear what you said." I replied,  slowly losing control over my body. The pace was to slow for my liking, so I could only imagine how badly it was bugging him.  " I want to touch you. I want to fuck you.... love you...please (y/n)." He practically shouted. I smiled at him,  the sound of him begging made my final resolve snap. "All you had to do was ask." I stated before releasing his hands

He grabbed onto every part he could reach as I bounced before finally settling them at my waist where he held tight as he thrusted upwards into me. I moan, feeling him repeat the motion again and again until I am forced to lean into him as he fucks me. Body starting to shake with the oncoming rise of my orgasm as he pushes us both closer to the edge with each snap of his hips.

"Fuuuck..." he groans as I release around him on a gasp. Eyes screwing shut, my head falls back to expose my neck to him.

As we sit in each others arms in the glow of the aftermath, he presses soft kisses across my collarbone and neck. Whispering soft nothings as he holds me to him possessivly, when he pulls back to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear I smile wide, beaming him the grin for which he had named me for.

"Mmmm that was..." I pause, biting ny lip as I stop myself from smiling again only for Jarvis to lean in and seal my lips with his.

"Keep doing that and there will be a round two right now..." he teases me, flipping us over to pin me against the bed on my back as I squeal in laughter from the movement.

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