Loki X Reader #2

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             Requested by: eracher

"Against the wall my love." Loki mumbles against the soft skin of your neck.

You stand with him in the center of the Avengers meeting room. The latest mission debrief being the reason for why you both were still in there. The other...well. You couldn't wait to go to your own room and it was apparent Loki couldn't find it in himself to teleport you both there when you wanted him so desperately. You were in charge of this last mission and it had left Loki feeling dizzy from watching you in power.

So with the rest of the team gone, an empty room to yourselves leaving the both of you to your own devices. Loki waisted no time as he pulled you to him to kiss you senseless until you were ordered to move again.

"You need me to beg you? Please my love....I want..no....I need you to get against the wall. I have to taste you, make you cum. Pretty please?" He asks again, batting his lashes at you.

His lips press a hot trail of kisses down to your collarbone before pulling away to give you that signature devilish smirk that tells you he is up to no good.
You nodd quickly, body going against the nearest wall to show your compliance as you watch him observe you from his place opposite you. Hair roughed up, lips pink from kissing, and his immaculate appearance completely disheveled by your makeout session. His gaze is hungry, and as you lean against the wall you let your hands run up your sides to your shirt to unbutton the top few to open your shirt a bit more. He lets out an approving growl that makes goosbumps rise on the skin of your arms as you bite your lip. Feeling empowered you straighten up, using your mission voice you speak up.

"Kneel." You find yourself saying.

You watch as his eyebrow raises in suprise, smirk widening before he saunters over to you and does just that.
He sinks to his kees, his eyes looking slowly up from your knees to your own eyes from his position at your feet. His gaze smoldering now as he lets out a content sigh.

"Only for you my Queen." He tells you, his hands reaching out now to squeeze your thighs until you part them. Nimble fingers begin running up the outsides of your thighs, up your skirt and around to the inner portions of your thighs. He runs them up, then down. Woth each pass he gets closer and closer to where you burn for him between your legs before he pulls away to make you squirm. He chuckles as you do just so, your body attempting to press your legs together unconsciously to releive the tension only to be stopped by his hands before he would resume his torture.

You sigh impatiently at his teasing, you know he wants you to beg. To plead until he caves to youw wima and desires. You know he wants you to be a hot mess before he has even begun. But you are to wound up already, the mission before this had been full of enough teasing from him thanks to his use of magic against your most intaminte areas. So your mouth opens to give him another order.

"Touch me here." You say, hand taking the nearest one of his own and running it up to your womanhood. Your own smirk rises in place as he groans. Finally you think as he eyes close for a moment before flashing open and locking with your own as he notices your lack of underwear. You feel his fingers gliding across your wet cunny. Finding you ready and waiting for him.

Suddenly the skirt is lifted and Loki dissappears beneath it to press wet open mouthed kisses to the inner soft skin of the thighs closest to your mound as his fingers work diligently at your cunny. Circling your swollen bundle of nerves before dipping down towards your entrance at a pace that will make you peak before he even places his mouth upon you if he continues.

He grants you mercy, two of his fingers sinking into you as his tongue begins lapping at you. You startle, hips jerking against his face causing him to chuckle softly before you feel his magic push you back against the wall so he can continue his task uninterrupted. He sucks on occasion making you moan loudly, body fighting against his magics hold on you to rub back against him as he oleases you. When you cant do that, your hands lift your skirt to grip his hair. He moans against you, the vibration enough to cause you to gasp, your hands tighten their hold as you push his face against you as you realise you can't push your hips agaisnt him still. As your pleasure builds, he curls his fingers now just how you like it, picking up the pace as you rub his face against your cunny. He groans as you tighten against his fingers, the soft moans leaving your mouth making his pants tighten uncomfortably against his memeber. You watch as his other hand reaches down to press against himself to attempt at relieving the ache. Its hot watching how he becomes undone by your undoing, enough so that you feel like your about to...

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