Done for you.

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(((mostly gonna be ashley's POV this chapter i promise there will be more andy POVs soon and probably others c: please tell me if you like where the story is going! i love your guys' input :3)))

Ashley's POV:


             I coughed and put my phone in my pocket and picked up my bass and began playing the part of the song we were recording. I think we all sounded pretty good, I was a little distracted and confused right now. One of the only things i was sure about is that I love Andy and didn't want him to get hurt... He means everything to me. I hope i can grow old with him someday. We can sit in our house listening to old motley crue just spending our days together. I sound really cheesy right now but i don't care. I act like a man whore and all I want is sex but honestly all I have ever wanted was someone to love, and hold onto, and now i have Andy. I tuned back in (Again... -.-) to see the band crowded around me looking a little upset but Andy patted my back and pulled me into him a bit. "Are you okay baby? You spaced out for a little."  His lips than began to form a perfect smile and his beautiful blue eyes lit up. "I-i'm fine I promise, sorry guys lets do this again. I'm ready." I smiled because I really was happy around Andy, And the other guys of course. Just in a differnt way. 


Ashley's POV still:          

   When we finished the rest of the recording for the last two songs we all cheered and laughed and were proud of the work we had put into this album. I think it was our best work yet, and i'm pretty sure the guys did too. I just hope the BVB Army will to. I smile and Andy walkes over and connected his lips to mine and kissed me passionately, filled with joy, and excitement. I love seeing him this way. I kissed back and he pulled away smiling at me as i heard a few "Awws" and "Ewws." I laughed a bit to myself. "Shut up", i blushed slightly and Andy smiled. Everyone began to pack up their instruments and put them into the back of the bus.


Anonymous POV:

I've been carrying a man whom doesn't even love me's baby for 3 months now and it's time to find out the sex of the baby... To bad he couldn't be here, too bad he is in love with someone else... I kept thinking negative thoughts in my head. I looked into one of the hospital rooms as the ultra sound technician lead me into to the room. I saw a mid 20's looking woman holding her new born child, And the father sitting next to her looking exhausted like he was there for her through every step of the way and that is what I want... About twenty minutes later I heard the doctor say: "Are you ready to know the sex of the baby?" I was nervous as hell and wondered if I should wait for "Him" to be here, But I am the one carrying this baby I never intended on having in the first place. "Yes." I gulped nervously and she looks on the monitor a bit more and smiled as she said: "It's a girl." I couldn't help but smile as a few tears rushed down my face, honestly I was glad it was a girl. I texted "Him" and told him that I knew the sex of the baby. I expected him not to reply, big surprise, He didn't. I know he isn't a bad guy and is in love and truly busy, but I can't do this alone. i'm scared, and lost. I just turned 18,  I'm not ready for a baby...  I left the hospital soon after wards and went to the liquor store to by some cigarettes. I know I shouldn't be smoking cigs while i'm pregnant but i'm gonna' stop soon... I got up to the counter and pulled out my ID. He read it: "Dakota Evans... hmm, sounds kinda fake to me sweet heart. You look a bit young." He kept examining my licence and I got kinda pissed. "It's real ass whole." I slammed the money down on the counter grabbed my licence and walked out of the Liquor store with my cigarettes and began to walk down the street while taking A few long drags from my cigarette. I got some nasty looks from mothers, and other people,  But who cares right? I already fucked up my whole life anyways. I sighed and kept walking down the street. 

**** Later that night****

Ashley's POV:

I smiled widely as Andy helped me pull on my cowboy boots. He was always so sweet, helping me and making me feel loved, I hope he felt that way about me too. "Thanks Boo." I smiled again and kissed his cheek and began walking to the car holding Andy's hand. I don't know where we are going, But Andy says I'll like it, And I trust him. A good half hour later we pulled up to a cute little deserted park with a picnic set up on the grass. "It's beautiful Andy." I said with a small blush forming on my cheeks as I hopped out of the car and helped him out while intertwining our fingers together. We walked over to the picnic under the big shady tree that was right above where they were to sit, There was a small amount of light shinging though the trees and the sun was beggining to set on the horizon. We sat down and i realized there was a piano set up off to the side. I ignored it but remained slightly confused. We sat and talked about life and music, and our ambitions and all the things we love about each other for the next 2 hours or so, and i began to speak:  "I love you Andy." I smiled and pressed my forehead to his and held him closely. "I love you more Ash." He smirked up at me and i just smiled. "Prove it." He got up and walked over to the piano and motioned for me to follow him and he began playing a beautiful song i'd never heard before and quickly caught on that he had written it. When he started to sing he looked up at me and began to sing, it was emotional, and melancholy, But it was the most beautiful song i had ever heard. Was everything he really did "Done for me?" Soon there were tears rushing down my face, i could see some rolling down his cheeks as well. He was beautiful when he sang, and i couldn't believe he had written it for me, I think i am the happiest i have ever been and i never want to lose him. When he finished I leaned in and kissed him softly wanting to express all the emotion and need he filled me with and I never wanted to stop. He deepend the kiss and began to bite at my lip after a few minutes and i opened my mouth slightly as he explored it with his tounge. A few minutes later we pulled away, both of us smiling. I joined andy once again on the grass and we layed down looking up at the sky. I moved my head so it was laying on his chest and i smiled to myself as he pulled me in closer to him. Please don't let this be just a dream.

~omg i just wrote all of that in one session. lol hope you guys like it! <3 i'll update soon!~

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