Lost it all.

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Andy's POV:                                                                                                                                               

                I yawned as i woke up and went to reach for Ashley, to put my arms around him. I frowned and noticed he wasn't in his bed so I got up And went to look for him. I followed his voice and found him talking on the phone with someone, Honestly I really wanted to know who he was talking to so I stayed out of site and listened in, as Ash began to yell: "I KNOW I KNOW! I'M SORRY!!" w-what would Ashley be sorry about? I kept listening and heard the next thing he said: "I-it's a girl...?" He kind of smiled as he said that. "I'm sorry, I know i didn't mean for this to happen, okay!?" W-what? ... I-it's a g-girl...? I was confused and kind of upset for some reason, "Y-yeah i'll be there soon." He sighed and started walking towards where I was hiding (not knowing I was there), I ran off back into our room and shut the door. I quickly realized what was going on, "O-oh god..." I bit my lip as I felt bitter tears fall down my face, A-Ashley is having a baby... I tried repeating it over and over in my head trying to make sense of it all. I slammed my head on the wall and kept crying. I can't be a 100% sure, I need to make sure this isn't A miss understanding...  I heard Ash trotting up the stairs, I froze and panicked and instead of moving I just stood there with tears running down my face, looking frustrated. "W-what's wrong Andy?" He frowned and looked a bit nervous. "A-are you having someone elses baby?" I was straight foreword about it, I needed to know the truth. His expression changed and bit bit his lip and looked as though he was thinking about what to say. "Andy..." He looked up at me with his beautiful chocolate brown eyes, it was hard to stay mad at him. I didn't speak and he put his hand around my wrist while looking up at me. He wanted my forgiveness but instead I yanked away from him. "I just want the truth Ashley." I tried to keep a straight face. "Andy... I-it was a few days before you told me you loved me, I never thought you would like me back so I went to find another one night stand to drown my feelings in." I choked back a few tears and bit my lip and continued to listen. " W-well... the condom broke, and I was nervous so I just kinda bailed, I-i had no idea she was 18 Andy i swear." I could feel the tears forming in my eyes, I-i didn't want to think about this right now. "I-i just need some space right now Ash." I began to walk away and out the door, I retrieved my box of cigarettes and began to smoke one while walking down the street. "Wh-why Ash..?!" I was angry and sad at the same time. I stopped at the liquor store and bought some hard alcohol, I wanted to forget for a while. I opened the vodka and chugged it down fast soon wanting more, I bought more liquor and kept drowning my feelings until i honestly couldn't feel. I stumbled down the sidewalk opposite of the way home.                                          

Ashleys POV: 

                   "UGH! why do I always fuck everything up?!" I felt tears form in my eyes. I need to go see her... I dried my eyes, pulled on my leather jacket and hopped on my motorcycle. I road over to her house and parked in the garage next to her car and knocked on the door. Dakota opened the door looking tired and broken, I felt bad, i really did. "H-hey koda..." I bit my lip and tried not to stare at her obvious baby belly. "W-why would you do this to me Ashley?!" She has began crying and put her hand on her stomach. "You know i didn't mean for this to happen..." She grabbed my hand and moved it to her stomach. "This is our baby Purdy boy, rather or not you're gonna' admit it." I could feel slight kicking and I couldn't help but smile widely. "I know it is Dakota,  But I can't be the father you want me to be for this baby, I-i'm sorry." I could basically see the heart break in eyes and i've never been so sorry in my life. "I know you can't... just go." She quickly wiped away her own tears and looked stern. "D-Dakota i'm so sorry, I want to be in my daughters life too." Her face looked a bit calmer and she spoke: "I don't need you to be here for her." She bit her lip and closed the door on my face. I sighed and hung my head low while getting on my motor cycle and speeding off into the foggy weather.


Okay i'm getting really scared now, i havn't heard from Andy in 5 hours. I redialed his number into my phone again hoping he'll answer this time, but instead a recording of his voice began to play again: "Hi! Leave me a message and i'll get back to you as soon as I can!" You could here us giggling together for a few seconds towards the end of the recording. I need to look for him, I quickly walked outside to get in the car and there was a small trail of foot steps leading in the direction of the liquor store. "D-damn it Andy..." I was scared he was hurt, so I hopped in the car and drove off beginning to look for Andy in the cool night air.

Andy's POV:

            I stumbled down in the street once again feeling dizzy, I got up and began choking  down another gulp of vodka. "Stupid life." I kicked the bus stop and sat down hoping it would take me home, or to where Ashley was. I pulled a 20 out of my back pocket and attempted to put the money into the machine, but instead I hiccuped and And tripped a bit falling into one of the front seats. The bus driver pocketed the twenty, rolled his eyes and kept driving. I felt sick, and confused. I honestly hate alcohol but continue to find myself gorging my sadness in it's sick bitter taste, The way it burns going down my throat... I felt around in my pockets for my phone, Retrieved it than tried turning it on. DEAD! great, just what I need right now. Soon as I knew it we were at the last stop i got off and was about 30 minutes away. Ehh close enough, I started walking and coughed A bit breathing in the cold air. Ashley... "I'm sorry..." I sighed again and kept walking down the street. 

Ashley's POV: 

               Fuck this, I just want Andy in my arms again. I turned up the radio trying to drown my thoughts as I continued to call his name out the window. Fuck i'll park and look around for him, i pulled over and parallel parked on the street and got out of my car. "Andy!" I called out once again as it started to rain. I looked around more and saw A figure in the distance. I started walking towards what I was hoping was Andy. I saw him throw his hands up and I smiled widely and ran over to were he was and wrapped my arms around his waist. "Please don't ever leave me again Andy." I smiled a bit as he chuckled holding me tighter. "Be my outlaw, Ashley." He looked down at me with his beautiful blue crystal eyes, "Of course batman." I smirked and his eyes widened as I leaned up and kissed him softly. I could taste the alcohol on his mouth and I was disappointed but grateful he was here, in my arms. I pulled away slowly and saw a smile peak onto Andy's perfect lips. "We still need to talk about this Ash..." I bit my lip snapping back into reality. "I-i know..." I didn't want to think about it so I began to help Andy into the passengers seat of the car.  

(((Part two is coming out soon!!! I will try to update soon! I have the day off of school tomorrow so maybe i'll update ;) <3)))

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