Chapter Four

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The school day was too long.

It's always been extremely long for no reason, but now it seems really fucking long.

When the last bell rings, she's practically running out of class.

Beck is close on her heels while she heads to her locker. She could kill Cat for telling her worrywart of a boyfriend that she threw up. Now he wouldn't leave her alone and se wanted him to do just that.

"Jade, maybe you should go to the doctors. You slept the entire period," Beck tells her.

She rolls her eyes as she takes her books from her locker. "You say that like its uncommon."

Beck shrugs. She has a point. "You barely touched your salad," he points out.

"It was gross," she mutters. And it was. It was possibly the worst salad she's ever eaten.

Damn her changing tastebuds.

"Do you wanna come to my place? Get some sleep without your parents?" Beck asks.

She wants to say yes.

Hell, she almost does.

But she can't.

She needs to figure out what her next step is, and while she knows that she should tell Beck, she's not ready to do so.

So she closes her locker and shoves her books into her backpack as she says, "I would love to babe, seriously I would, but Jasper asked me for some help on his dorky project."

Beck raises an eyebrow. "You're helping your brother with his homework? Jade, the last time you helped him he got an F."

"I told you that's because he wouldn't listen to my ideas!" Jade snaps at him.

"He had to do a project on literary works that changed the world and you told him to do his project on The Scissoring!"

"That did change the world!"

Beck shakes his head. "I don't feel like arguing with you today," Beck mumbles.

Jade rolls her eyes. "I don't feel like arguing with you either," she tells him.

She doesn't. She wants to go home and wrap her arms around her bunny and sleep for the next 52 years.

Beck smiles softly. "That's new."

Jade narrows her eyes at him as she shoves her backpack into his hands. "Take me home dufus."

After driving Jade home, Beck heads over to Tori's house. It's where everyone else was hanging out and he didn't want to sit home bored.

When he knocks, Trina opens the door with an annoyingly attempt to be sexy. "Hi Beck."

Beck rolls his eyes as he moves past her. "Trina."

Trina smiles as he walks into the house.

"Hey man," Andre greets. "Where's Jade?"

"Did y'all break up again?" that damn puppet Rex asks, causing Beck to roll his eyes.

"No, she's helping her brother with a project," Beck says as he takes his jacket off.

Everyone stares at him for a moment before they start laughing.

"What's so funny?" Beck wants to know.

"When has Jade ever done something to help her little brother?" Andre asks, still choking on his laughter.

Beck rolls his eyes. "Well, she didn't feel good today either, so maybe being sick has changed her a little," Beck comments as he flops down on Tori's couch beside his friend.

"I don't think so," Tori comments from the kitchen. "She was still mean to me."

"Jade is always gonna be mean to you Tori," Robbie tells her.

"What happened?" Beck asks Tori.

Tori reaches into her cabinet and grabs a bag of chips. "Well, in math she was kinda out of it and was rubbing her stomach, and I'm the same way when I know, the lady cycle," Robbie and Andre shutter at her words, "and so I asked her if that's what was wrong with her but she said that she's just sick and that my perfume that my sweet grandma sent me was making her want to throw up on me."

Beck chuckles. That sounds like something Jade would say.

"Wait, she was rubbing her stomach?" Trina asks, and Tori nods. "And she keeps saying that she's 'sick'?" Trina inquires, using air quotes around the word.

Beck rolls his eyes. "What are you trying to say Trina?"

Trina shrugs her shoulders as she snatches the bag of chips from Tori. "Maybe Jade's pregnant."

Beck chokes on absolutely nothing but air.

"No, no she's not pregnant," Beck mutters. "She can't be."

"So you two don't have sex?" Trina asks with a raised eyebrow.

Beck's mouth opens and closes for a moment. "I-I mean, yeah we do but-but we always use protection."

"You sure man?" Andre asks, and everyone is staring at him and why the hell are they all looking at him like that?

"Yes I'm sure. And even if I wasn't, Jade would tell me. She tells me everything. We tell each other everything. She wouldn't keep something like that from me," Beck snaps.

"Then she's not pregnant," Tori says after a long moment of silence.

Beck flops back into the couch.

She's not pregnant. Jade isn't pregnant.


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