Chapter 17: What If I Say 'Yes'?

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Bambam nodded excitedly. "Let's ride the roller coaster noona!"

"No Hana-ya! Roller coaster is not a good thing!" Youngjae quickly shook his head as he scared for riding roller coaster.

"Yes! It's not good for heart," added Jackson.

"What will you ride then? Merry-go-around?" asked Mark to Jackson.

"Hey, I even ride that when filming for JJ Project Diary and Amazing Got7! Did you forgot?" said Junior that left Mark in silence.

"I don't really bother to ride those things. It's fun to try, right? I'm not easily scared to any of that," said Hana confidently.

"Are you sure Hana-ssi?" asked JB while grinning.



Hana hold JB's hand tightly while shouting as loud as she can right at JB's ear. JB can't help than cover his ear with his other hand.

"I... I can't feel my leg anymore," Hana wobbled and can't even walked straight once they left the roller coaster.

"How can you screamed so loud, Hana?" teased Mark.

"I never thought Hana could scream as loud as that!" Junior laughed.

"Jaebum hyung must be really regret to sit beside you," said Bambam. Jackson and Youngjae was playing other thing because those two really can't ride roller coaster. The last time Jackson ride roller-coaster his soul almost left his body and Youngjae will cursing everywhere. Yugyeom can't follow them along because he had another schedule.

"I thought I may lose my sense of hearing! What a scaredy-cat," JB smirked.

"Ya! It's a normal thing. Just because you're not screaming along it doesn't mean I'm the scaredy-cat!"

"Hey, let's play Viking over there!" Junior suddenly grabbed Mark hand towards the Viking area.

"I don't want to play that," said Bambam but then suddenly Junior pushed Bambam's back forcing him to play Viking along.

"You should follow mom's word kids," said Junior while secretly winked at JB.

JB realize Junior's intention. Damn that kid!

Hana was about to follow them when JB suddenly grabbed her arm, "You can't play that."

"Why not?"

"You're going to ruin other people's hearing too if you ride that!" warned JB.

"Yah! How could you say that?" Hana pouted.

"Stop doing that,"

"Doing what?"

"Try to pout again or else you'll know what I'll do!" said JB with serious face.

"What you'll do?" Hana gulped but still maintaining her face.

Suddenly JB pinched Hana's cheeks, "I'll tear up your cheek."

"Yah! Stop it." Hana pushed away JB. "I don't want to play with cold guy like you! Can't you be softer like Jinyoung oppa?"

JB frowned, "Do you have any crush towards Jinyoung or what?"

"What if I say 'yes'?" replied Hana with her death glared before she left JB and ran towards Viking area.


HANA and JB not talking to each other since they're back from the amusement park yesterday. The members realize something wrong happened between their manager and their leader when both of them keep glared to each other during breakfast.

"Why Hana glared at Jaebum hyung like she want to swallow him?" whispered Jackson to Bambam.

"I don't know. They've been like this since yesterday," said Bambam.

"Is there anything happen at amusement park yesterday?" asked Yugyeom to Youngjae.

"We just too tired when we get home yesterday. But I think they had some fight. Fighting over cotton candy maybe?" replied Youngjae.

Suddenly both of Hana and JB going to take the last piece of egg roll in the plate. Their chopstick touch the egg roll at the same time that lead them fighting using their chopstick.

"This is mine," said Hana and JB at the same time with their death glare to each other.

"I cooked this!" protested Hana.

"I'm the leader here!" JB doesn't want to lose too.

Suddenly the egg roll snatched by someone. Mark immediately ate the egg roll with his innocent face. JB and Hana dumbfounded.

"Don't be greedy or you won't get it at all. Have you heard about that?"


"DID you guys fighting again yesterday?" asked Junior. They're in their waiting room while waiting for their turn to perform on the stage. The members and Hana are playing together but Junior and JB was sitting while watching them.

JB turned his head looked at Junior, "It's because of you!"

Junior frowned, "What? What I've done?"

JB's lower jaw moved as he trying to hold his anger, "She admit to me that she likes you."

"What? Really?"

"She even asked me to be softer like you. Heh! Is she joking or what?" JB smirked as he can't believe what he heard from that girl few days back.

"You are too cold towards her I think,"

"Yah! She need to accept me for who I am!"

"That's why she's choosing me over you, hyung."

JB gave a death glared towards Junior. Junior gulped, "Sorry."

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