Chapter 25: Sudden Change

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"HYUNG, where are you going after our performance just now?" asked Youngjae while in the van on their way back to their dorm.

"I met Taecyeon hyung and Wooyoung hyung," answered JB with his eyes closed.

"What for?" asked Junior.

"Nothing. Just talking,"

"What are you talking about?" asked Hana.

JB not answered with his eyes tightly closed. Taecyeon's voice still appeared in his head, 'Hana will still disappeared one day.'

Hana pouted, "You purposely not answering me back, right?"

JB still silent. 'The good memory or bad memory. She will remember none of them.'

"Oppa-ya!" Hana poked JB's cheek.

"CAN'T YOU JUST SHUT UP FOR A WHILE?!" yelled JB suddenly while looking at Hana's surprised face. Mark, Youngjae and Junior also surprised by JB's sudden rage.

"Hyung..." Youngjae looked scared with JB even he's not the one being yelled.

"Hyung, what's wrong?" asked Junior with disbelief look.

"Jaebum-ah, why are you yelling at Hana like that?" asked Mark serious that not liked seeing Hana being yelled by JB.

JB glared at Mark but Mark also not giving any sign as if he scared with that glare. He also look at his leader with unsatisfied look. Mark rarely show his anger to JB.

"Hey, calm down! It's not like the first time he's yelling to me right? That's our leader anyway," Hana laughed awkwardly trying to fix the tense situation.

"Our? I'm not your leader. I'm Got7's leader. Not yours. You're only the manager," JB smirked.

"Yah!" Mark raised his voice as sign of warned. Youngjae's face totally confused with sudden weird situation appeared.

"Jaebum hyung, do you realize what you just said?" asked Junior. He has the same expression like when he's going to punch JB before this.

"Am I saying the wrong thing? She's just our manager. Nothing more than that,"

"WHAT?!" Junior turn for raising his voice.

Hana felt like tons of knives stabbed directly into her heart hearing JB's words. Her chest stuffed. She looked at JB's face that didn't show any sign that he's joking or in a drunk state.

When coincidently they already arrived at their dorm JB then open the door and get down from the van.

"Yah! Im Jaebum! What's got into you?!" shouted Junior that grabbed his arm after followed him. Jackson, Yugyeom and Bambam that just get down from another van shocked to hear Junior suddenly shouted JB's name.

JB pulled back his hand, "What's got into you then? Where is your 'hyung' when you're calling me?"

"What's wrong with you?" asked Junior serious. 'Why are you yelling to the girl that so precious to you?' Junior really want to ask that loud but considering the members now surrounding them he can't say that loud.

"Nothing wrong with me. Just mind your own business. I'm tired. I want to sleep right away." JB left Junior with his cold looking.

"Hey, what's wrong Jinyoung-ah?" asked Jackson that didn't get the situation.

"Jaebum hyung. He..." Youngjae was about to explain the situation before Hana suddenly holding his hand to stop him.

"Nothing. I made him mad. He must be too tired. It's my fault after all. I shouldn't disturb him at the first place," said Hana while smiling.

"Hana..." Junior looked at Hana.

"I'm okay. Don't worry," Hana smiled at him before walked away. However Junior could detect her teary eyes and he dare to bet a million won that she just wipe her tears once she turned her back.


"UWAAHHH! I got Jaebum oppa poster!" Hana exclaimed joyfully when he found a mega poster of JB in the newest album of Got7 that she just bought.

She looked at her room's wall that already full with Got7's poster.

"Where should I paste this poster?" she didn't had any gut to throw away any poster on her wall as each poster too precious for her. She looked at the window before grinned.

She closed one side of her window before put JB's mega poster there, "I still can get sunlight from another half of the window. Anyway, who need sunlight when my oppa can give me enough sunshine?"

She giggled before laying down on her bed that directly face her new poster. JB's smile just perfect in her eyes. How a human can have angel-like smile like Im Jaebum?

"What with that stupid poster? Your room already messy with all of that rubbish and now you're choosing that stupid poster over sunlight?"

Hana turned her head around when she heard that voice. She really mad with what that woman said but she's not brave enough to say it out. She just keep silent and looked at the woman that standing at the door with her messy hair and ugly face that just waking up from sleeping when it already noon.

"You shouldn't spent your money for that stupid stuffs. Well, stupid girl always do the stupid thing. Your parents must be shame to have stupid daughter like you."


SHE'S waking up with sudden shock. She's breathing hardly as she holding her chest. She's all wet with her sweat. She looked around and she realize that she still in her room in Got7's dorm.

She inhaled deeply before exhaled.She put her palm on her forehead , "I'm just dreaming."

She massaged her head. She knew she's dreaming but she also knew that it's not a common dream – she gained another piece of her memory.

But for sure not a good one. 

She just too scared to analyze or even remember it back.

Hana remembered JB. She wanted to tell him but then she remember what happen earlier.

"No. I can't tell him now. I will tell him tomorrow. Yeah..."

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