Chapter 26: Call Me JB-ssi

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HANA put a cup of Americano and sandwich on JB's desk. JB not giving any reaction and just focus on his job.

Hana sat awkwardly in front of JB, "You're not even had breakfast this morning. I asked the staff and they told me you're here. I thought maybe you're kind of hungry or what."

JB not answered.

"I'm... I'm sorry about last night. Maybe I'm too playful and I don't realize that you might be too tired last night. I shouldn't made you angry. I'm sorry."

JB still busy typing on his laptop. Not even bother to answer.

Hana bite her lips for a while before she continued, "Oppa, you know what? I think I dream another pieces of my memory again last night."

JB stopped typing but Hana not realize it.

"Last night, I had a dream. I bought Got7's previous album and there's poster along with that album. Guess what, it's your mega poster! My room's wall already full with Got7's poster so I paste it on the window," told Hana excitedly. Hana chuckled as she remember the happy feeling when she paste the poster on her window.

But then Hana remember the sad part, "But after that..."

"Can you just get lost from here?! I have a lot of work to do instead of wasting my time hearing to your idiot dream. You're disturbing me. Go away!" yelled JB suddenly that made Hana surprised.

"Jae-- Jaebum oppa..."

"By the way, can you stop calling me oppa? I don't like that. Call me JB-ssi please when we're out from the dorm. Living in the same house doesn't mean we have any special relationship."

Hana shocked to hear that, "What do you mean? We... we don't have any special relationship?"


Hana could felt her blood boiling over her head, "Then who's the man that kissing me all this while? Who's the man that hugging me all this while? Who's the man that said I'm the precious one for him? Who is he?! Tell me Im Jaebum!!"

"Sorry. I think I'm not in the right mind all this while," said JB coldly.

She looked at him with disbelief look, "Wahh... so for all this time I'm just playing all this drama alone? I'm just being foolish alone?"

JB didn't say anything.

Hana could felt her tears falling down. Her mood already bad with her dream last night and now JB's confession made her going crazy.

"Can you tell me what I did that make you mad at me?"

JB didn't answer her.

She wipe away her tears before suddenly knelt besides JB while grabbing his shirt, "If I did anything wrong I'm sorry. Tell me what my fault. I'll fix all my wrongdoings. Just please... don't act like this. Don't leave me. I really love you."

Finally, JB turned his head facing Hana. His eyes looked down at Hana that begging on her knees with her face wet with her tears, "What are you talking about. You're Got7's manager. You should act professional. Aren't you?"

'That cold stares... why that cold stares looking at me like that?'

"You should get up before anyone sees you like this," said Jaebum before turned his head back facing his work.

Hana let out bitter laugh. Slowly she's standing up although she's a bit wobble and unstable but JB didn't even bother to help her up, "I should know that cold Im Jaebum won't turned to sweet Im Jaebum for a stupid girl like me. How can I be this stupid for all this while?"

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