CA 93

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Operation Child Agent 93, better known as CA93 was put into action on the seventh of January 1993, when the first child of 500 was born. Exactly a year later, on the seventh of January 1994, the 500th child was born.

               For the first two years of the operation, subliminal messaging was put in the children’s nursery rhymes and lullabies. From then on, the children took ballet classes; for focus, precision and strength. When they all had turned five, they began combat classes of all kinds, martial arts (Aikido, Brazilian Jui Jitsu, Judo, Karate, Kung Fu and Taekwondo), boxing, kickboxing and street fighting. When they reached the age of fifteen, they were introduced to knife fighting, sword fighting and fencing. They were then taught shooting, (guns and archery), becoming expert marksmen.

               The operation was brought forth by the International Bureau of Agents or the IBA. They had missions and assignments that the regular, adult agents were unable to complete or even begin due to age. An island north of Australia and New Zealand and South of Europe, Asia and Africa was selected as a training ground for the 500. It contained sixteen dorms, each holding twenty five students and were organised numerically. The first twenty-five were in dorm A, the second in dorm B and so on. Classes were organised by dorm and from six a.m. sharp until seven twenty p.m. sharp. Nine classes were taken a day; Ballet, Combat, Knife and Sword Combat, Shooting, Physical Activity, Mathematics, English, Social Studies and Science. The first eight dorms had their fundamental subjects first and would take a lunch break an hour and twenty minutes before the eight dorms that had their physical subjects first. On the far right of the island was the field. The field had running tracks, hurdles, football and rugby goals, the most challenging obstacle course in the world, identical to the one at the top secret IBA base and in the centre was the shooting range. The Port was the only way off of the island. Next to Port was the storage; food and other imported essentials were stored there.

               Alexander Carpenter was so delighted when he was appointed Head of Operations of CA93 that he gave his own child to the program. Of course nobody but Carpenter and the IBA Officials knew that. Not even the child knew. None of the children knew their parents, since they were raised all the same way, nobody questioned it.

               On the day of graduation, numbers 172 and 500 both received notes from Carpenter himself.

        “Be at Port after the ceremony ends.


  The ceremony dragged on for the two, they just wanted to know what Carpenter wanted. At exactly four p.m. the ceremony finished. The two agents discreetly left the ceremony and practically ran to the Port to see Carpenter waiting for them, leaning on the steps of a helicopter.

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