Elevators and Apologies

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When Christopher reached the suite, Annabella was lounged on a sofa, watching television. She looked up expectantly, asking if he’d got the date with her eyes.

               “I got the date; now tell me why I needed to? I mean she’s cute and all, but she’d distract me from the assignment.” Annabella raised her eyebrows,

               “Are you done?” He nodded, “Well, if you hadn’t noticed, her name badge was different to her sister’s.  It was a Monroe Advertising badge, I don’t know why she was wearing it, but if she knows people in that company, it could be a major hand.” Christopher nodded in approval, Annabella was observant. “Oh and also what they meant by ‘our things are upstairs’ was ‘your new clothes are upstairs… and you also have some kick-ass weapons in the spare room!’” She squealed like a child on Christmas morning. Christopher’s eyes widened and he shot up to take a look for himself. “Third door!” Annabella called after him.

               The hotel phone in the suite rang and Annabella rushed to get it,

               “Hello?” She asked in a light voice, she was meant to be a teenager after all.

               “Miss Montgomery?” Melissa’s voice entered her ears,

               “Melissa, call me Annabella! And what can I help you with?” She smiled, the girl was cute.

               “Well, Annabella, I’m a total ditz-” Melissa was cut off by a sneer,

               “Damn right you are!” Annabella rolled her eyes,

               “Like I was saying, I forgot to give you the car keys that had been sent to us for you. A Lamborghini and a… Harley Davidson?” Annabella squealed in delight at the thought of her baby. Melissa laughed, “I’m guessing you’re excited about your car?”

               “Car? No, baby; the Harley’s mine. All mine!” She exclaimed, “Do you need me to come pick the keys up? Or would you rather I send my brother?” She asked slyly.

               “No, you picking them up should be fine, unless you want them sent up?” Annabella shook her head, until she realised Melissa couldn’t see her,

               “No, I’ll be down in five minutes, just let me get changed.”

               “Okay, see you,” Melissa replied warmly. Annabella hung up the phone and went to change. The clothes the IBA packed for her were great, they were edgy and perfect with her love of motorcycles. She picked up a pair of ripped light blue skinny jeans and a cut off shirt with the Rolling Stones symbol on it, on her feet; she put her beloved combat boots on and took her hair from its messy bun.

               “Christopher?!” She called, “I’m going to get the car keys from the front desk!” She finished, walking to the front door, grabbing her room key and hearing a muffled ‘Okay’ in reply. She walked towards the elevator and saw someone just getting in and the doors about to close “Hold the elevator!” She called and saw a hand shoot between the doors, pressing them apart. “Thanks” She smiled when she got in. She looked up at the person who’d helped her and recognised him immediately, “I’m Annabella,” She smiled up at him, “I just moved in to a suite on this floor with my brother, do you live here too, or just visiting?” She asked,

               “Dean Parker, and no, I was just dropping off something to one of my father’s friends on this floor. Plus, I kind of have a thing for the receptionist here,” He admitted sheepishly, “Her name’s Melissa and she goes to college with my cousin, but I met her when she interned at my Uncle Josh’s company,” He scratched his neck, “Why did I just tell you that?” He chuckled, but Annabella’s eyes went wide,

               “You like Melissa?” She asked and he nodded, “Shit.” She cussed under her breath,

               “What?” He asked, looking a little worried, “Has she said something about me? Is it bad?”

                “Uh, no- I sort of made my brother ask her out cause I think they’d get along and they’d be cute together?” She phrased it as more of a question, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know you then and-“ Her babbling was cut off by Dean’s laughter,

               “It’s okay, really- she’s four years older than me, I had no chance in hell- I just like to talk to her sometimes,” He admitted, growing red. Annabella cooed, telling him how cute that was, when the elevator stopped,

               “I’m actually going to see Melissa right now, she has the keys to my baby, wanna come, lover boy?” She teased. He nodded and she gestured to follow her. When they reached the front desk, Melissa was consumed by papers and didn’t notice them arrive. Annabella was about to say something when Dean grabbed the bell used for attention, placed it near her ear and pressed it continuously, making Melissa jump.

              “Dean! What did I tell you about doing that?” She scolded, smiling, “Oh, hey Annabella, I have Christopher’s Lamborghini keys here,” She handed over a remote keypad with a Lamborghini keychain attached, “And your baby.” She handed over the Harley Davidson keys and Dean gaped,

               “You drive a Harley?” He practically yelled, “I would have pegged you as a Mini girl myself, but Harley Davidson? No way!”

               “Shush! Dean, before you get kicked out!” Melissa scolded, before adding, “Again!” Annabella chuckled, “Annabella, just give these,” She handed over two slips of paper, “to the valet and he’ll bring your baby around, same goes for your brother.” Annabella smiled,

              “Great! So speaking of my brother, when’s the date?”  Melissa turned red,

               “This Saturday, I’m actually really looking forward to it, he seems like a really nice guy.” Annabella nodded in approval.

               “He is, I think you may be good for him, but before I leave, is there anything I may have to come back for?” She teased, Melissa ruffled through a file before mumbling a ‘yes’. She handed over a book for a private school.

               “Ew, what is this?” Dean chuckled, before taking the booklet from her,

               “You, my lady are coming to my school.” Annabella groaned before snatching it back and mumbling about killing someone.

               “I’ll see you guys around.” She mumbled and stormed off.

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