An SUV and The Plaza Hotel

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“Sir?” Carpenter’s head shot up and he greeted the pair with a polite nod.

“Ah, I see you made it,” He grinned, “Let’s get down to business shall we? You two are the best of the 500. This assignment has been on hold for years, adult agents just can’t crack it. The pair of you will be trying a different approach to it.” He handed the pair a thick manila file each. “Your target is called Joshua Monroe. His legitimate company is called Monroe Advertising, it’s the largest media, broadcasting and publishing company in America. However, he has an illegitimate company too. He distributes drugs and is majorly involved in human trafficking. Nobody has ever been close enough to the Monroe family to ever prove it, so I want you to get him from the inside. His children, brother, sister, cat. I don’t care who you use, just do it. I’m proud of you two and have faith in you both. Read those when you get off the helicopter; a car will be waiting. Good luck, Agent’s one-seventy-two and five-hundred.” He shook their hands and walked away, leaving the pair to get in the helicopter.

“Annabella,” Agent 500 stuck her hand out for 172 to shake,

"Christopher,” He smiled in return, helping her into the helicopter.

Once the helicopter landed, hours later, a black SUV was waiting for them, just as Carpenter said. They got inside and the first thing they did was get their profiles out to read. The pair nodded, impressed.

“Damn.” Christopher said, dragging out the ‘a’. Annabella looked up, quirking an eyebrow questioningly, “That is one good looking family.” Annabella smiled, amused but nodded in agreement nonetheless. The whole family was hot, from the kids to the nephews and nieces. “I can’t wait for this to start.” He mumbled under his breath. Annabella rolled her eyes, boys will be boys.

“What’s your cover?” She asked,

“Okay, I’m twenty-two and I’ve just graduated from college, I have a master’s degree in business and I just got a job at Monroe advertising as a consultant, I’m your ‘guardian’ and apparently we inherited a fair amount of cash… we have a suite at The Plaza Hotel and nice cars…” Annabella narrowed her eyes in confusion, as if to say ‘how nice?’, “Well I get a Lamborghini Reventon Roadster and you get a Harley Davidson.” Annabella’s eyes widened, she’d always hinted to Carpenter that when she got an assignment she wanted a motorcycle. “I wonder how long until we get there…” Christopher mumbled, “Hey, Bella?” Annabella lifted her head in confusion, “It’s my nickname for you; it means beautiful in Italian or Spanish or whatever, and you’d have to be if we were related.” He smirked and she shook her head in amusement. “I’m bored” He moaned a few minutes later, Annabella quirked an eyebrow, “What? I am” She sighed, rolling her eyes,

“Wanna play twenty questions?” Christopher nodded enthusiastically, “I wonder if you’re nine instead of nineteen…” She mumbled, “Okay, you want to go first?” Christopher nodded again,

“Hell yes! Alright … What’s your favourite type of combat?” Annabella thought for a second,

“I really loved doing the street fighting. It was so raw in comparison to all the martial arts, they were so precise and clean.” Christopher smiled in understanding, “Does being the second best ballet dancer out of five hundred make you feel emasculated? ” She smirked evilly at him, laughing internally when she saw him flinch.

“What? Well… I guess it’s weird being better than over two hundred girls and two hundred and fifty guys… But not emasculating, no.” Annabella nodded in approval, “What’s your favourite colour?” Annabella laughed and Christopher quirked an eyebrow,

“Red, my favourite colour is red- do you know how cliché that question was?” She chuckled and he nodded, signalling for her to take her turn. “How quickly did you get your first bullseye after first holding a gun?” Christopher furrowed his eyebrow in thought and after a minute, his face turned smug.

“Two weeks.” He smirked, “You?” It was Annabella’s turn to look smug now,

“Ten days.” She matched his smirk and winked. He cussed under his breath,

“I guess that’s why you’re number one…” He muttered. Annabella gave him a grateful smile as they carried on with their game.

About two hours later, they arrived at the hotel. Before they could get out, the diver turned around and handed them each a phone.

“These phones have been modified by the IBA. They can hack into other cellular devices and computer systems, they can send texts from the phone you’ve hacked into, receive them; calls also. It’s fairly similar with computers, you can view all their information, send emails, etc. You’ll figure it out. It has Carpenter and each other’s numbers programme into them, good luck agents.” The door then opened and the pair moved to get out of the car. “Oh, your bags are in your suite already, just check in at the front desk.” Annabella and Christopher smiled gratefully and walked through the front doors and towards the front desk. A girl of about twenty with blonde hair and too much make-up was sat at the counter, fiddling with her hot pink nails, next to her was a girl who looked quite similar, minus the orange face. Her hair was the same blonde and had a golden complexion. She was only wearing a little mascara and eyeliner and looked bored while the other droned on. When they reached the front desk, the blonde slapped on a smile,

“Welcome to The Plaza Hotel, how may I help you?” The bleach blonde looked up as she spoke and her eyes widened, she bumped the blonde by the hip and whispered loudly,

“Get lost little sister; this one’s mine.” That was why they looked so alike, they were sisters Annabella wasn’t happy at the exchange, or at the face the blonde just took it. She looked at the bleach blonde’s nametag, it said ‘Stella, Secretary’

“Excuse me, Stella, but she was doing just fine,” She smiled at the other girl and waved her back over, “My brother and I would like to check in, Melissa, please?” She asked, looking directly at the blonde. The bleach blonde smiled spitefully,

“I’m sure your brother would rather have me check you in, instead of her.” She sneered,

“Well… no actually.” Christopher said, monotonously. He looked at Melissa, “We have a suite, and it should be under Montgomery, please.” He smiled. Melissa smiled back and typed some things into her computer, then unlocked a drawer,

“How many keys will you be requiring, Mr Montgomery?” She asked sweetly,

“Just the two, and call me Christopher, please, I’m sure there’s not much age difference between the two of us.” He wiggled two fingers, causing Melissa to giggle,

“Two keys, coming up,” She handed them a key each; “You’re in room 336.” She smiled,

“Thanks Melissa, I’ll leave my brother to flirt with you,” Annabella winked while Melissa blushed, “Our stuff’s in our room, right bro?” She asked, looking at Christopher mouthing, ‘get a date, I’ll explain later’ and walked to the elevator.

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